Saturday, November 1, 2014

World War 3 updates .... November 1

USA, UK, Canada,  Australia, New Zealand, Lebanon, Libya, Mali, Jordan, UAE, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Iraq, Israel, Syria, Turkey, Kurdistan, Yemen, Nigeria, France with (Mali, Burkina Faso, Niger and Chad ) Germany, Italy, Czech Republic, Albania, Estonia, Hungary, Belgium, Denmark, Sweden, Switzerland, Austria, Japan, Republic of Korea, Ireland, Spain, Slovakia, Norway, The Netherlands, Luxembourg, Bulgaria, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Novorussia, Ukraine, Russia, Chechnya, Somalia, Iran, India, South Korea, North Korea,  Central African Republic, Kenya, Tunisia, The Philippines, Egypt,  Albania, Serbia, China, Sudan, South Sudan, Bukina Faso, Palestine .....

From BBC:
 Burkina Faso President Blaise Compaore has imposed a state of emergency after violent protests at his bid to extend his 27-year rule.
The government and parliament have been dissolved, and an overnight curfew has been declared across the country.
Protests to demand Mr Compaore's resignation are continuing in the capital, Ouagadougou.
Angry crowds had earlier set fire to the parliament and other government buildings.
This forced MPs to abandon a vote aimed at allowing Mr Compaore to seek re-election in 2015.....

From EconomicTimes:
Burkina Faso President  Blaise Compaore in Ivory Coast after ouster 
Burkina Faso's former president fled to neighboring Ivory Coast with his family after violent protests drove him from power after 27 years in office, Ivory Coast said Saturday, as a largely unknown military colonel said he had taken the helm. 
President Blaise Compaore, his family and those close to him had been taken in by Ivory Coast, according to a statement from the office of President Alassane Ouattara. It did not elaborate. It said Ouattara was following events ``with particula..... 

From GuardianUK:
US bombs Isis positions in Syria and Iraq  
Five targets hit near Syrian town of Kobani and five in Iraq

Isis executes hundreds of tribesmen in western Iraq
US fighter and bomber planes have launched five attacks against Islamic State militants near Kobani, Syria, and five in Iraq since Friday, Central Command said on Saturday.

The Kobani strikes “suppressed or destroyed” nine Islamic State fighting positions and a building. In Iraq, air strikes destroyed an Islamic State vehicle south-west of Mosul dam and hit four vehicles and four buildings used by militants near Al-Qaim, the US military said in a statement.
Air strikes have helped to foil several attempts by the al-Qaida offshoot, notorious for its beheading of hostages, to take over Kobani. But they have done little to stop its advances, in particular in Sunni areas of western Iraq, where it has executed hundreds of tribesmen.............

From JournalNeo:
US Destroying Syria’s Oil Infrastructure Under Guise of Fighting ISIS
The US is considering bombing pipelines in Syria, which it claims is in an attempt to cut off the huge profits being made by ISIS from captured oilfields. 
The Independent quotes Julieta Valls Noyes, the deputy assistant secretary for European and Eurasian Affairs during a visit to London, that ISIS was making $2 million a day off oil sales and that the US would consider airstrikes as well as “kinetic strikes against some pipelines” and “actual physical action to stop the flow”.
The trouble with this justification for destroying Syria’s oil pipelines, is that ISIS does not have the capability to use the pipelines to transfer oil. ISIS transports the stolen oil on the back of trucks, and sells it on the black market in Turkey..........

From YahooNews:
Leader of Nigeria's extremists says kidnapped girls all married off, threatens to kill German
With a malevolent laugh, the leader of Nigeria's Islamic extremists tells the world that more than 200 kidnapped schoolgirls have all been converted to Islam and married off, dashing hopes for their freedom.
"If you knew the state your daughters are in today, it might lead some of you ... to die from grief," Abubakar Shekau sneers, addressing the parents of the girls and young women kidnapped from a remote boarding school more than six months ago.
In a new video released late Friday night, the Boko Haram leader also denies there is a cease-fire with the Nigerian government and threatens to kill an unidentified German hostage.
"Don't you know we are still holding your German hostage (who is) always crying," he taunts. "If we want, we will hack him or slaughter him or shoot him."............

From PressTV:
At least 24 people have been killed and some 50 others wounded as a bomb blast ripped through the south of Iraqi capital, Baghdad.
The explosion occurred when a truck filled with explosives blew up at a checkpoint near a southern Baghdad district on Saturday.
A separate blast rocked Baghdad’s Palestine Street, the casualties of which are yet to be announced.

On October 31, a bomb explosion ripped through a sheep market in Baghdad’s western suburb of Suweib at around noon. Five people died and 13 others were injured in the attack.
Iraqi officials usually blame similar terrorist attacks on Takfiri militants and former Ba’athists who Baghdad says have formed an alliance to destabilize the country.
Baghdad has also pointed the finger at Saudi Arabia, saying Riyadh is funding terrorists operating in Iraq.....

From Dawn:
Suicide car bomber kills 11 police, soldiers in Afghanistan  
 A suicide car bomber killed at least 11 members of the security forces and wounded more than 20 civilians near a police checkpoint in eastern Logar province in Afghanistan on Saturday, local officials said.
The Taliban did not immediately claim responsibility for the attack and could not be reached for comment, but the militant group carry out daily attacks on the country's army and police.
“The suicide bomber detonated his car near a residential area in Azra district of Logar, killing four army soldiers and seven local policemen,” Din Mohammad Darwish a spokesman for Logar's governor said.....

From Infotainment:
41 Suspected Members Of Boko Haram   Sect Ambushed And Killed In Borno 
Men of the the Civilian Joint Task Force, a.k.a Civilian JTF, at Biu, Borno State, are said to have killed and beheaded no fewer than  41 suspected members of Boko Haram sect , following a failed attempt by the insurgents to overrun the Sabon Gari village, in Damboa Local Government Area of the state, Thursday. 
Sources told Saturday Vanguard that the combine efforts of military officers and members of the Civilian JTF pursued the insurgents to Gur area, around Mandafuma village where they engaged them in a fierce battle which lasted for about two hours killing 41 members of the sect, before beheading them and hanging their heads on sticks. The victorious Civilian JTF members displayed the heads of their victims as the returned to Biu amid fanfare......

From Reuters:
Israeli police on Thursday shot dead a 32-year-old Palestinian man suspected of having tried hours earlier to kill a far-right Jewish activist, leading to fierce clashes in East Jerusalem and fears of a new Palestinian uprising.
The Al-Aqsa compound, or Temple Mount, a holy site at the heart of the latest violence, was shut down for almost an entire day to all visitors as a security precaution. It was the first full closure of the site, venerated by both Jews and Muslims, in 14 years. Late on Thursday Israeli police reopened the complex.
Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas denounced Israel's actions as "tantamount to a declaration of war" and his Fatah party called for a "day of rage" on Friday. It was not clear if Al Aqsa would be opened to Muslims on their holy day. 
Moataz Hejazi's body lay in blood among satellite dishes and a solar panel on the rooftop of a three-storey house in Abu Tor, a district of Arab East Jerusalem, as Israeli forces sealed off the area and repelled stone-throwing Palestinian protesters......

From CBC:
ISIS mission: Canadian CF-18s complete operational flights in Iraq
Canada joins U.S., Britain, Australia and several Gulf States in air coalition
Canadian warplanes have flown their first operational flights, but have yet to carry out strike missions against Islamic State targets.
Six CF-18 jet fighters, two CP-140 Aurora surveillance planes and a C-150 refuelling jet are operating out of undisclosed airfields in Kuwait and will launch bombing missions against the forces of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) soon......

.....A number of fresh reports are circulating that coalition jets could face an increased anti-aircraft threat as Islamic State fighters are now apparently armed with sophisticated shoulder-launched missiles.
U.S. officials, speaking on background to the New York Times earlier this week, described the appearance of the Chinese-made FN-6 heat-seeking missiles as "game changers." It is believed the weapons were originally provided to moderate Syrian rebels by Qatar and possibly Saudi Arabia, according to the report.
The missiles are a major threat to low-flying aircraft, such as attack helicopters. ISIS reportedly shot down an Iraqi Army Apache gunship using the weapons.......

From YahooNews:
Car bomb kills at least 10 at bus stop in northeast Nigeria
 A car bomb killed at least 10 people at a crowded bus stop in the northeast Nigerian city of Gombe on Friday morning, emergency services said.
No one immediately claimed responsibility for the blast, but Islamist group Boko Haram has been blamed for a string of bomb attacks in the region this year........

From RevolutionNews:
80 Arrested At Spontaneous Protests Over #ZAD Remi Fraisse’s Assassination By French Police
80 people have been arrested simply for speaking up against state terror and capitalism, by a total panicked riot police force in Paris desperate to repress spontaneous demonstrations over the execution of 21 year old Remi Fraisse at Testet.
Cops encircled people, trapped them, captured them and dragged them to police vans simply for being on the streets and speaking up, such police brutality and abuses simply remind of well known totalitarian regimes, deplored by Europe all over the world, except in Europe.........

From Breitbart:
UN Report: Foreign Jihadis Flocking to Iraq and Syria on "unprecedented scale"
A report by the United Nations shows new terrorist groups including the Islamic State have attracted over 15,000 foreign fighters, drawing large numbers of recruits from a broader base than ever before, including 80 nations worldwide.
The figure is significantly more than Al-Qaeda managed at its zenith and shows the remarkable pull of the new generation of groups with their sophisticated propaganda operations can achieve. The declaration of a new Caliphate, the first since the collapse of the Ottoman Empire in the last century, is also thought to have significantly boosted numbers, as believers flock to become part of what they hope will become an Islamic super state.
The United Nations (UN) report said the recruits' home nations were the for first time “including a tail of countries that have not previously faced challenges relating to al-Qaida”, indicating the reach of ISIS far exceeds that of previous groups......

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