Friday, November 21, 2014

World War 3 news and updates .... November 21 .... Part II

USA, UK, Canada,  Australia, New Zealand, Lebanon, Libya, Mali, Jordan, UAE, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Iraq, Israel, Syria, Turkey, Kurdistan, Yemen, Nigeria, France with (Mali, Burkina Faso, Niger and Chad ) Germany, Italy, Czech Republic, Albania, Estonia, Hungary, Belgium, Denmark, Sweden, Switzerland, Austria, Japan, Republic of Korea, Ireland, Spain, Slovakia, Norway, The Netherlands, Luxembourg, Bulgaria, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Novorussia, Ukraine, Russia, Chechnya, Somalia, Iran, India, South Korea, North Korea,  Central African Republic, Kenya, Tunisia, The Philippines, Egypt,  Albania, Serbia, China, Sudan, South Sudan, Bukina Faso, Palestine, Georgia, Chad, Spain, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Indonesia, Nepal, Congo, Uganda, Romania, Poland .....

From Reuters:
Canadian vets plan to join Kurdish fight  against Islamic State
Several former Canadian soldiers plan to join Kurdish forces fighting Islamic State militants in coming weeks, with at least one already in Iraq, Canadian media reported on Friday, bolstering the ranks of foreigners fighting alongside the Kurds.

The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation said a half-dozen former armed forces personnel were enlisting, citing unnamed sources. Meanwhile, the National Post newspaper said veterans had formed a group called the First North American Expeditionary Force to help link would-be fighters with Peshmerga units and to provide financial help.........

From SputnikNews:
Rioting in Warsaw:    Many Hate the EU and Everyone Blames Russia
In November 2013 – February 2014, Warsaw showed official support for the violent actions of the “urban guerillas” on Maidan. However, Poland’s politicians are somewhat reluctant to let the participants of much less violent riots out of jail in their own capital.
The recent riots in Poland’s capital Warsaw, where 200 people were arrested and several dozen were wounded, are not being compared in the mainstream Western press with the violent clashes of the so-called Maidan revolution in neighboring Ukraine. The Polish rioters are being presented as mere “hooligans”. However, the tactics and slogans of the so-called “peaceful protesters” in Kiev and Warsaw are very similar. In November 2013 – February 2014, Warsaw officially gave its 100 percent support to the violent actions of the “urban guerillas” on Maidan and blasted former president Viktor Yanukovich for arresting the perpetrators. Oddly enough, Poland’s politicians are somewhat reluctant to let the participants of much less violent riots out of jail in their own capital.

Even the obnoxious jokes of the participants in the two “protests” were similar. Last winter in Kiev, the rioters warmed themselves up by jumping and chanting “If you don’t jump, you’re a Russian!” In Warsaw, as the daily Gazeta Wyborcza reported, the “independence fans” were chanting “If you don’t jump, you’re a queer!” Racism and hatred for minorities were quite visible in both Kiev and Warsaw, but the mainstream press of both Poland and the EU in general preferred to overlook them during the “pro-European” Maidan riots.........

From Reuters:
Islamic State targeted in 30 air strikes by U.S., allies 
The United States and its allies have staged 30 air strikes on Islamic State targets in Syria and Iraq since Wednesday, the U.S. Central Command said on Friday.

The 23 strikes in Iraq included six near Baiji that hit Islamic State buildings, vehicles and tactical units while buildings, vehicles, a guard post and two tactical units were destroyed near Sinjar in four air strikes, Central Command said. Similar targets were destroyed or damaged west of Kirkuk, near Mosul and Ramadi and in Tal Afar........

From CenterForStrategic&IntlStudies:
On November 21,   Vice President Joe Biden arrives in Istanbul for a two day visit during which he will meet with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu. According to a November 18 White House briefing prior to his departure on the three nation trip that will conclude in Turkey, “the Vice President will discuss cooperation in fighting ISIS in Syria and Iraq; coping with the humanitarian crisis caused by the conflicts on Turkey’s southern border and countering the threat posed by foreign fighters.” While the focus would be on countering ISIS, “promoting the Cyprus settlement process and other regional issues” would also be on the agenda. 

Mr. Biden’s high profile trip will be the most recent effort in the ongoing U.S. campaign to persuade Turkey to give greater support in the fight against ISIS which has established brutal control over much of Syria as well as portions of Iraq. Although it is clear that Turkey's contribution has not been at the level the U.S. would have liked, U.S. officials have been generally reluctant to publicize their disappointment. Instead they have chosen to emphasize areas of convergence and to downplay fundamental divergences........

From AlAkhbar:
Bahraini opposition leader slams   repression ahead of elections
Bahraini rulers' failure to loosen their grip on power could trigger a surge in violence, the chief of the kingdom's main opposition movement warned Friday, a day before the oil-rich kingdom holds elections without the participation of opposition groups.

On Friday, hundreds of demonstrators took to the streets of the village of Diraz pledging to boycott Saturday's polls, with police firing tear gas to disperse them, witnesses said........

From France24:
France will send six Mirage fighter jets to Jordan to strike the Islamic State militant group in Iraq, Defence Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian said on Wednesday.

"There were nine Rafale (jets) in the United Arab Emirates and they will be reinforced with six Mirage fighter jets to support our action," Le Drian told parliament.

Two French surveillance aircraft and a refuelling tanker are also based at the Emirati airbase of al Dhafra. The defence ministry said the air squadron had been bombing IS positions, including around the city of Kirkuk area of Northern Iraq on Wednesday morning.

Military sources told AFP that the six additional Mirage 2000-D aircraft would arrive in Jordan in December........
From AlAkhbar:
The United Arab Emirates  (UAE) formally endorsed the designation of 86 Islamist groups as "terrorist organizations," state news agency WAM reported on Saturday, in line with a recent federal law on combating terrorism.

The list includes the Muslim Brotherhood and local affiliates, such as al-Islah reform group who is already banned in the UAE for its alleged link to Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood, as well as al-Qaeda-linked groups operating in different parts of the region and various Islamic think tanks and lobbying groups across the world.

The Gulf Arab state has also designated Syria’s al-Qaeda branch al-Nusra Front and the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) group, whose militants are battling the Syrian army and recently the Lebanese army, as terrorist organizations.

In September, 15 Islamists accused of joining and financing al-Nusra Front and Ahrar al-Sham, another Syrian rebel group, went on trial in the UAE.
The Emirati list also includes the Qatar-based International Union of Muslim Scholars, which is headed by the Brotherhood's spiritual guide Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi, the Federation of Islamic Organizations in Europe, as well as Muslim associations in Britain and other European countries.
Several Islamist groups in Libya, Tunisia, Mali, Pakistan, Nigeria's Boko Haram as well as Afghanistan's Taliban account for the bulk of the list.
Meanwhile, Hezbollah brigades in Iraq, Hezbollah party in Saudi Arabia’s Hjaz, Hezbollah in the Gulf region, and the Houthi movement in Yemen are also on the list.

Lebanon's powerful resistance group Hezbollah, however, is not on the list...........

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