Sunday, November 30, 2014

World War 3 news and updates .... November 30

USA, UK, Canada,  Australia, New Zealand, Lebanon, Libya, Mali, Jordan, UAE, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Iraq, Israel, Syria, Turkey, Kurdistan, Yemen, Nigeria, France with (Mali, Burkina Faso, Niger and Chad ) Germany, Italy, Czech Republic, Albania, Estonia, Hungary, Belgium, Denmark, Sweden, Switzerland, Austria, Japan, Republic of Korea, Ireland, Spain, Slovakia, Norway, The Netherlands, Luxembourg, Bulgaria, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Novorussia, Ukraine, Russia, Chechnya, Somalia, Iran, India, South Korea, North Korea,  Central African Republic, Kenya, Tunisia, The Philippines, Egypt,  Albania, Serbia, China, Sudan, South Sudan, Bukina Faso, Palestine, Georgia, Chad, Spain, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Indonesia, Nepal, Congo, Uganda, Romania .....

This is not confirmed, Canadian govt investigating.
From CP24:
Israeli-Canadian woman kidnapped in Syria, Israeli newspaper reports
An Israeli newspaper report says Islamist websites are claiming extremists have kidnapped an Israeli-Canadian woman who joined Kurdish fighters overseas.
The Jerusalem Post says reports of Gill Rosenberg's capture surfaced Sunday on websites "known to be close" to Islamic State extremists.
The newspaper says the websites give few details on the alleged kidnapping, only that it occurred after three suicide attacks on sites where Kurdish fighters were holed up....

Anglo nations have monopoly on word "terrorist"   ... China's claim is suspect.  See the quotation marks in the below report from UK newspaper.
From TelegraphUK
Chinese 'terrorist attack' kills at least 15  
Eleven 'mobsters' are gunned down by police in Xinjiang after they allegedly launched a 'terrorist' assault on civilians with knives, explosives and axes
At least 15 people were killed and 14 others injured in the latest outbreak of bloodshed to hit China's violence-stricken northwest, according to state-controlled media.
Details of what official reports immediately dubbed a "terrorist attack" remained sketchy on Saturday afternoon, one day after the incident took place in Xinjiang's Yarkand county....

From MNews24:
Gunmen in a car shot dead an Egyptian army brigadier  general and wounded two soldiers in eastern Cairo on Friday, the military said.
The attack came hours ahead of planned Islamist protests that have prompted the police and military to boost their presence in the capital and other cities.
The identity of the assailants was not clear, but militants have killed scores of policemen and soldiers since the army overthrew Islamist president Mohamed Morsi in July last year.....

From Reuters:
An American, a Briton and a South African  were among several hostages Yemeni forces sought to free from al Qaeda this week, the defense ministry said on its website, describing a raid that a U.S. defense official said also involved U.S. special forces.

In Monday night's assault on a cave in remote Hajr as-Say'ar district in the eastern province of Hadramout, Yemeni security forces rescued six Yemenis, a Saudi and an Ethiopian, and killed seven al Qaeda kidnappers, Yemeni officials have said.
Late on Wednesday the defense ministry's website quoted a soldier who had participated in the rescue as saying an American, a Briton and a South African held there had been moved elsewhere two days earlier.
Another foreign hostage, who may have been of Turkish nationality, was also apparently moved along with the three, the soldier was reported as saying. ......

From DailyStar:
Shiite rebels push on toward Aden: Yemen officials
emen's Shiite Ansarullah militia is advancing in Taez province towards the main southern city of Aden as it seeks to expand its influence after taking the capital, officials said Friday.
Overnight, a 16-vehicle convoy of militiamen entered an eastern suburb of Taez, the country's third city, and deployed near its airport and a local radio station, the local officials said.

Ansarullah militiamen, also called Houthis, have captured many communities in western and central Yemen since taking Sanaa on September 21.
However, they had not entered Taez, a city of around half a million people some 250 kilometers southwest of Sanaa, under an accord struck with local authorities.
"This agreement no longer stands because the local authorities have not honoured their commitment to arrest 14 extremists in Taez province," a source close to Ansarullah told AFP.......

From GulfNews:
Twin bombings kill 45 in Nigeria    with one involving a female suicide bomber
Maiduguri, Nigeria: More than 45 people died Tuesday in twin bomb blasts, including one by a female suicide bomber, at a packed market in the Nigerian city of Maiduguri.
The explosions in the Borno state capital targeted the same Monday Market area where at least 15 people died on July 1 in a blast blamed on the Boko Haram militant group.
Tuesday’s attack came after the militants seized control of another town in Nigeria’s restive northeast.....

Ukraine's Christian priests calling for peace in their land.

From Asianage:
Jammu and Kashmir gunfight ends, militant killed  
The gunfight between the Army and suspected militants near the border with Pakistan in Jammu and Kashmir’s Arnia area, which had started Thursday morning, ended at around 9.30 am on Friday with the killing of the lone surviving gunman. “The firing has stopped and searches are underway,” an Army official said over the phone from Ranbir Singh Pura, the nearest town.
Army sources said that a gunship helicopter and a couple of tanks were used to “neutralise the holed-up militant as an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) named Tohi Viman maintained surveillance over the abandoned Army bunker in which militants had taken positions”. An earlier report has said that the Army officials also used mortar guns to destroy the abandoned Army bunker in Pind Khote village which is located about three kilometres from the border with Pakistan and where the lone surviving militant was hiding.
An official said 12 people five civilians, three soldiers and four militants were killed in the 25-hour-long gun-battle. The fighting had started at 8.15 am on Thursday, a day before Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit to the state where elections to the 87-member state Assembly are being held.
The Army says the heavily-armed militant had sneaked in J&K from Pakistan, most probably during the intervening night of November 26 and 27, to carry out “fidayeen” attacks aimed at disrupting the election process but were confronted by Army troops, leading to the encounter. An Army official said that he suspected the slain militants belonged to the Lashkar-e-Tayyaba.....

From Reuters:
About 400 killed in past six weeks  of fighting in Libya's Benghazi: medics
About 400 people have been killed in six weeks of heavy fighting between Libyan pro-government forces and Islamist groups in Libya's second-largest city Benghazi, medical staff said on Saturday.
Backed by forces led by a former general, the newly formed government army launched in mid-October an offensive against Islamists in Benghazi, expelling them from the airport area and from several camps the army had lost during the summer........

Turkey, the nation that is primed to be a member of  EU in near future, will also be the nation that will accelerate the caliphatization of the EU. 

From BBC:
Kenya bus killings  claimed by Somali group al-Shabab
Gunmen from the Somali militant group al-Shabab say they have attacked a bus in northern Kenya, killing 28 people.
The bus was travelling to the capital, Nairobi, when it was stopped in Mandera county, not far from the Somali border.
Gunmen separated out non-Muslims by asking passengers to read from the Koran, officials and witnesses said. Those who failed were then shot in the head.
Al-Shabab has carried out a series of attacks in Kenya since 2011.
A statement on a website linked to the Islamist group carried a statement saying the attack was carried out in retaliation for security raids on mosques in the coastal city of Mombasa earlier this week.....

From AlJazeera:
 'Scores dead' in air strikes on Syria's Raqaa 
Government raids on ISIL-held northern city have mainly killed civilians, with scores more injured, activists say.
Syrian government air raids on the city of Raqqa, which the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) has proclaimed as its capital, have killed 135 people, activists have said.
Scores more people were reported to have been injured in the air strikes on Tuesday, which targeted a number of residential districts in the northern city.

The majority of the dead and injured are believed to be civilians, including women and children.
Local activists reported on Facebook that the Raqqa Red Crescent had transferred scores of bodies to the national hospital........

From BBC:
'Boko Haram' kills 48 Nigerian fishermen near Chad  
Islamist militants from Nigeria's Boko Haram have reportedly killed 48 people in an attack on fish sellers near the border with Chad.
A fish traders' group said some victims had their throats slit whilst others were tied up and drowned in Lake Chad.
The attack took place on Thursday, but the news took several days to come to light because Boko Haram has destroyed mobile phone masts in the area.
It was the second major attack in two days by Boko Haram......

From MaktoobNews:
Suicide blast at Afghan volleyball game kills 50: official
Around 50 people were killed and 60 others injured when a suicide blast ripped through crowds gathered to watch a volleyball game in eastern Afghanistan on Sunday, officials said.
"The suicide attacker was on a motorcycle, he detonated himself in the middle of a volleyball match," Attaullah Fazli, deputy governor of Paktika province, told AFP
"A lot of people including some provincial officials and the police chief were there. About 50 people have been killed, and 60 injured, a lot of them seriously.".......

From VICEnews:
Kabul Suicide Attack on UK  Embassy Vehicle Kills Five
A suicide attack on a UK embassy vehicle in Kabul killed at least five people, including one British citizen, and wounded more than 30 others on Thursday, the UK Foreign Office said.

An assailant detonated what was initially reported to be a motorbike, but now believed to be a car, filled with explosives by the British vehicle in the Afghan capital. The subsequent blast destroyed at least four other vehicles and was heard across the city, eye witnesses told Sky News.

Five were killed in the incident and as many as 34 injured, according to the Afghan Health Ministry. A British Foreign Office spokesman told VICE News that the dead included one British national who was a civilian security team member and an Afghan national working for the embassy. A second security team member was injured.....

From SBS:
Taliban attack Kabul guesthouse and Brits
A foreign guesthouse in central Kabul has been attacked by the Taliban, hours after six people died in a blast targeting a British embassy vehicle.
Taliban militants have attacked a foreign guesthouse in central Kabul, hours after a suicide bomber targeted a British embassy vehicle in a blast that killed six people.

Attacks across the Afghan capital have increased in recent weeks as US-led NATO forces wrap up their 13-year combat mission against Taliban insurgents at the end of this year.
Afghanistan faces a major security challenge as the NATO military presence declines, with the police and army struggling to prevent attacks and suffering high casualties in the battlefield.
Two militants were killed by police inside the guesthouse on Thursday and one Nepalese guard was wounded in the fighting, Kabul police spokesman Hashmat Stanakzai told AFP.

Wazir Akbar Khan district is home to several international contractor firms, development agencies and embassies, but officials did not confirm which foreign guesthouse was attacked.
After an initial suicide blast, sporadic gunfire and grenade blasts erupted for at least 45 minutes as security forces fought to clear the building.........

From AlJazeera:
'Scores killed' in northeast Nigeria blast  
At least 40 people killed, including five soldiers, in attack on bus station in Nigeria's northeast.
A bomb blast has hit a bus station in northeastern Nigeria killing at least 40 people, according to witnesses and security personnel.

At least five soldiers were among the victims of Thursday's attack in a village just outside of Mubi, the second largest city in Adamawa state.
No group has claimed responsibility for the attack but the area has been repeatedly targeted by the rebel group Boko Haram.

Al Jazeera's Rawya Rageh, reporting from Yola, said Mubi was a key town for Boko Haram and was one of the largest areas captured by the group after it launched its offensive in Adamawa State.....

From TimesOfIndia:
TV channel claims abducted Indians killed by ISIS in June
Concerns about the safety of 39 Indians kidnapped in Iraq in June heightened on Thursday after a news channel claimed that only one of them was still alive.

The channel sourced its story to two Bangladeshis who claimed to have spoken to the only survivor Indian, Harjeet. Government sources were quick to dismiss the claims saying their current information did not corroborate the claim.
The channel said that 39 out of 40 Indian workers who went missing in Iraq in June may have been killed by Islamic State militants. The claim was based on interview of two Bangladeshi workers whom the channel spoke to in Kurdistan's capital Erbil.........

From AlAlam:
The United States continues to escalate  its aerial campaign against ISIL terrorists in Iraq and Syria, shifting more attack and surveillance aircraft from Afghanistan to a base in Kuwait
Military officials say that a dozen A-10 ground-attack planes have been moved from Afghanistan to Kuwait to support Iraqi ground troops battling the ISIL militants, the New York Times reports.
Half a dozen missile-firing Reaper drones are also expected to be redeployed from Afghanistan to be used in the war against ISIL.
However, as the US steps up the air campaign against the ISIL terrorist organization, military planners are finding it increasingly more difficult to pick up targets for the American air power.
“When we target a nation-state, we’ve typically been looking at their capability for decades, and have extensive target sets,” said Maj. Sonny Alberdeston, the targeting chief at an Air Force base in South Carolina, where military planners analyze and select targets that US and coalition warplanes strike in Iraq and Syria.
“But these guys are moving around. They can be in one place, and then a week later, they’re gone,” Alberdeston told the Times.......

From BBC:
The Kenyan military   has killed more than 100 al-Shabab militants linked to a deadly attack on a bus, Kenya's deputy president says.
William Ruto said the armed forces had carried out two operations in Somalia, destroying equipment and a camp from which the bus attack was planned.
However, al-Shabab refuted this, and said that its fighters were safe.
In Saturday's attack, gunmen pulled non-Muslims passengers from a bus in northern Kenya, killing 28 of them......

From WashingtonTimes:
The Islamic State group   launched an attack Saturday on the Syrian border town of Kobani from Turkey, a Kurdish official and activists said, although Turkey denied that the fighters had used its territory for the raid.

The assault began when a suicide bomber driving an armored vehicle detonated his explosives on the border crossing between Kobani and Turkey, said the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights and Nawaf Khalil, a spokesman for Syria’s powerful Kurdish Democratic Union Party....

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