Wednesday, November 12, 2014

World War 3 news and updates .... November 12

USA, UK, Canada,  Australia, New Zealand, Lebanon, Libya, Mali, Jordan, UAE, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Iraq, Israel, Syria, Turkey, Kurdistan, Yemen, Nigeria, France with (Mali, Burkina Faso, Niger and Chad ) Germany, Italy, Czech Republic, Albania, Estonia, Hungary, Belgium, Denmark, Sweden, Switzerland, Austria, Japan, Republic of Korea, Ireland, Spain, Slovakia, Norway, The Netherlands, Luxembourg, Bulgaria, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Novorussia, Ukraine, Russia, Chechnya, Somalia, Iran, India, South Korea, North Korea,  Central African Republic, Kenya, Tunisia, The Philippines, Egypt,  Albania, Serbia, China, Sudan, South Sudan, Bukina Faso, Palestine, Georgia, Chad, Spain, Armenia, Azerbaijan .....

From CBC:
ISIS target hit by CF-18 jets in northern Iraq  
Airstrike targets artillery used by Islamic militants, Defence Department says
The Department of National Defence has confirmed Canadian Forces hit another target believed to belong to Islamic militants in Iraq today.
The department said CF-18s hit artillery belonging to the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, also known as ISIS or ISIL, using laser-guided munitions near Bayji, in northern Iraq. The Canadian Forces believed the equipment could have been used to attack coalition assets, the department said......

From YahooNews:
'Terror' attack on Egypt naval vessel   leaves 8 servicemen missing
The Egyptian military said one of its navy vessels came under "terrorist" attack in the Mediterranean on Wednesday, leaving five servicemen injured and eight others missing at sea.
Four boats used by the assailants were destroyed and 32 of the suspected militants were arrested, the military said in a statement.....

From RT:
Egyptian jihadist group pledges allegiance to ISIS
Egypt’s extremist group, Ansar Bayt al-Maqdis, responsible for multiple terror attacks, has pledged loyalty to the Islamic State in an audio clip, further expanding the Al-Qaeda offshoot’s influence in the region.
The audio file was posted on the official Twitter account and on the website of Ansar Bayt al-Maqdis (Champions of Jerusalem) on Sunday and is now circulating across the social media, including on YouTube. 
The recording, that runs for 9 minutes and 26 seconds, says Ansar Beit al-Maqdis decided to join the Islamic State group "whose emergence resembles a new dawn raising the banner of monotheism," according to AP. 
The man speaking on the audio file identifies himself as part of Ansar's "information department," Reuters reports, adding that the group’s Twitter account had been suspended and reopened shortly before the Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS) allegiance announcement was posted......

From Reuters:
Suicide bomber kills eight in northern Iraqi city Baiji   
A suicide bomber killed eight people including six soldiers on Tuesday in the northern Iraqi city of Baiji where government forces are trying to reassert control to break an Islamic State siege of the country's largest refinery nearby.
The bomber targeted a crowd gathering around soldiers who had retaken parts of the city center, Baiji Mayor Mohammed Mahmoud told Reuters. Security officials said two civilians and six soldiers were killed.......

From AlAlam:
Iraqi soldiers battling the so-called Islamic State group recaptured the heart and outlying districts of the town of Beiji, home to the country's largest oil refinery, state television and a provincial governor said Tuesday.
Retaking Beiji, 250 kilometers (155 miles) north of Baghdad, could allow Iraqi forces a base to attack neighboring Tikrit, taken by the extremists in their lightning advance this summer.
But troops backed by Shiite popular volunteer militias faced pockets of stiff resistance around Beiji, hindering their advance.
State television quoted the top army commander in Beiji, Gen. Abdul-Wahab al-Saadi, as saying troops recaptured the city's local government and police headquarters at the center of the town.....

From Drum:
Suicide bomber kills 48 students in Nigeria
Survivors say a suicide bomber disguised in a school uniform has detonated explosives at a high school assembly in northeast Nigeria, and a morgue worker says 48 students have been killed.
Soldiers rushed to the grisly scene on Monday, but were chased away by people throwing stones, angry at the military’s inability to halt a 5-year-old Islamic insurgency that has killed thousands and driven hundreds of thousands from their homes.
A suicide bomber last week killed 30 people in the same city, Potiskum, the Yobe state capital.
Survivors say about 2,000 students had gathered for Monday morning’s weekly assembly at the Government Technical Science College when explosives apparently carried in a school-type rucksack blasted through the hall..........

The beautiful Kurdish women sending jihadis to dry hump allah's legs as jihadis killed by women supposedly don't get those promised 72 virgins. 

From AP:
How a Libyan city joined the Islamic State group  
On a chilly night, bearded militants gathered at a stage strung with colorful lights in Darna, a Mediterranean coastal city long notorious as Libya's center for jihadi radicals. With a roaring chant, they pledged their allegiance to the leader of the Islamic State group.
With that meeting 10 days ago, the militants dragged Darna into becoming the first city outside of Iraq and Syria to join the "caliphate" announced by the extremist group. Already, the city has seen religious courts ordering killings in public, floggings of residents accused of violating Shariah law, as well as enforced segregation of male and female students. Opponents of the militants have gone into hiding or fled, terrorized by a string of slayings aimed at silencing them.
The takeover of the city, some 1,000 miles (1,600 kilometers) from the nearest territory controlled by the Islamic State group, offers a revealing look into how the radical group is able to exploit local conditions. A new Islamic State "emir" now leads the city, identified as Mohammed Abdullah, a little-known Yemeni militant sent from Syria known by his nom de guerre Abu al-Baraa el-Azdi, according to several local activists and a former militant from Darna......

From ThisDayLive:
Boko Haram Bombs Bank in Azare, Kills 14, Scores Injured  
In what is clearly an escalation of its murderous activities, the terrorist sect, Boko Haram, on Friday carried out more attacks in the North-east targetting Azare, the headquarters of Katagum Local Government Area of Bauchi State, bombing a first generation bank in the town. About 14 people were feared killed while scores were injured.
The bomb blast in Azare came on the same day the sect entered Hong Local Government Area of Adamawa State and overran Gashala Village, killing four people in the process.
The tragic incident in Azare occurred in the early hours of Friday. Sources said customers believed to be mainly civil servants were on the queue at the bank’s ATM machine when a bomb was detonated by the suspected terrorists.
The source said 14 people died instantly while scores were critically injured.......

From TVCnews:
Heavy gun duel is heard in Malam fatori community which is border community to Nigeria and chad, witness says
The fight started last night and is on going between gunmen suspected Boko haram fighters and the Chadian forces.
Nearby residents called in this morning to say the sound of heavy artillery and bomb explosions can heard miles away as residents are seen scampering away from the fighting area as at this morning......

Syria's Aleppo in danger of going again to even more monstrous monsters?

From Reuters:
Houthi expansion puts Yemen on edge of civil war  
An advance into Yemen's Sunni Muslim heartland by Shi'ite Houthi fighters has galvanised support for al Qaeda among some Sunnis, deepening the religious hue of the country's many conflicts, with potential consequences well beyond its borders.
Yemen's tribal, regional and political divisions were widened by the rapid fall of the capital Sanaa to Houthi fighters on Sept. 21 after weeks of protests against the government and its decision to cut fuel subsidies........

From PressTV:
Iran foils bomb plot targeting Muslim Shia mourners:  Intelligence min.
Iranian Intelligence Minister Seyyed Mahmoud Alavi says the country's security forces have thwarted a planned bomb attack targeting Shia religious ceremonies marking the martyrdom anniversary of Imam Hussein (PBUH).
A bomb attack had been planned in the city of Qom, south of the capital, Tehran, during the mourning ceremonies in the lunar month of Muharram, Alavi said on Wednesday, adding that people plotting the bombing "were arrested before they could carry out any such measure.".........

From BBC:
Sudan president guards killed at Khartoum palace  
Two security guards have been killed by a man armed with a knife outside Sudan's presidential palace in the capital Khartoum, officials say.
The attacker seized one of the guards' weapons before other guards killed him, a presidential spokesman said.
He said the man appeared to be "mentally unstable". President Omar al-Bashir was not there at the time.
Mr Bashir first seized power in a coup in 1989, and announced last month he would run for office again next year.....

The treachery of Turkey is nothing new.  Only foolish suicidal countries like Israel and the USA are known to trust Turkey.
From TodaysZaman:
Policemen claim they were prevented from pursuing al-Qaeda suspects 
Detained policemen standing trial on charges of wiretapping have claimed that they were prevented from putting suspects linked to the al-Qaeda terrorist organization and other groups affiliated with the Islamic State of Iraq and Levant (ISIL) under close surveillance.
The defense testimony of the policemen was heard at the 9th İzmir High Criminal Court, where 32 police officers are standing trial after they were detained in a number of provinces across Turkey on Aug. 19 on accusations of illegal wiretapping.
Of those 32, 11 were placed under arrest in İzmir. Among those arrested include former Batman Police Chief Hasan Ali Okan. Most of the officers detained were involved in a tender-rigging investigation in İzmir as well as in an investigation into an espionage ring allegedly involving members of the military.......

From NewsWeek:
‘ISIS Sees Turkey as Its Ally': Former Islamic State Member Reveals Turkish Army Cooperation
A former member of ISIS has revealed the extent to which the cooperation of the Turkish military allows the terrorist group, who now control large parts of Iraq and Syria, to travel through Turkish territory to reinforce fighters battling Kurdish forces.

A reluctant former communications technician working for Islamic State, now going by the pseudonym ‘Sherko Omer’, who managed to escape the group, told Newsweek that he travelled in a convoy of trucks as part of an ISIS unit from their stronghold in Raqqa, across Turkish border, through Turkey and then back across the border to attack Syrian Kurds in the city of Serekaniye in northern Syria in February.
“ISIS commanders told us to fear nothing at all because there was full cooperation with the Turks,” said Omer of crossing the border into Turkey, “and they reassured us that nothing will happen, especially when that is how they regularly travel from Raqqa and Aleppo to the Kurdish areas further northeast of Syria because it was impossible to travel through Syria as YPG [National Army of Syrian Kurdistan] controlled most parts of the Kurdish region.”....

Now that we know that Russia is not interested in grabbing anything more than what it already has... Crimea,  from the Ukraine, do you see the USA or Canada or the EU hopping on red hot coals anymore?  Convoys can come and convoys can go as and when they please, the Novorussians can continue to fight with the Ukrainian Nazi-infested army units or otherwise for as long as they want .... nobody cares. The harm by Western powers to the Ukraine has already been done as the seed of discontent has been firmly planted. The unity the Ukraine once enjoyed is forever destroyed. The Ukraine becomes just another item on the failed ventures of the USA, UK, Canada and the has to wonder if all this is done intentionally   

From AlAlam:
Bodyguard of Syrian rebel who defected to ISIL reveals secrets of the terrorist leadership
Before joining ISIL, Jamal had been a drug dealer, then a commander in the western-backed Free Syrian Army, claiming contacts in the CIA.
After his defection to ISIL, Abu Abdullah(the bodyguard) said, he followed the example of other ISIL "emirs" or leaders, who reigned over his territory with violence, extortion and hypocrisy.
"They kidnap and carry out assassinations,” he said. “They think nothing of bringing down a whole building with women and children inside, just to kill one person.
"Starting with a thirteen-year-old boy, they lined up the sons according to their height and beheaded them in that order," said the bodyguard, who called himself Abu Abdullah and who has now defected.
"Afterwards, they hung the boys' heads on the door of the school the family had been hiding in."

The Western powers support the Ukrainian govt in their bombardment of the newly created Novorussia comprising of the eastern parts of the Ukraine which are pro-Russian. 

From AustraliaMobileNews:
Al Islam boarding school in Indonesia continues to promote jihad  
AS confirmation of their final disgrace, the shared gravesite of Bali bomb brothers Mukhlas and Amrozi is set apart from the general Muslim cemetery in the village of Tenggulun, in east Java. It is untended, unloved and as barren as their philosophy.

Yet they continue to inspire young men to jihad.

Haris, now aged 25, went to the Al Islam boarding school — located half a kilometre from the graves — in 2005. He wanted to be taught strict Islam and says that Amrozi, a former Al Islam student — by then on death row — was “inspiring to me. A hero.”
At Al Islam, his ustad, or teachers, included skilled warrior veterans from Afghanistan, the southern Philippines and internal conflicts in Poso and Ambon. Amrozi’s brothers Mukhlas and Ali Imron had both been teachers at Al Islam.

This is the madness that is islam.  This is the madness that our powers-that-be never cease to tell us "Islam is a religion of peace" ... and by that token prove to even the dumbest amongst us that the powers-that-be have betrayed us.

From TimeMag:
Most Catalans Want Independence From Spain According to an Informal Vote
The poll was organized by pro-independence groups after a Spanish court rejected a formal referendum
More than 80% of people in Spain’s autonomous Catalonia region support full independence, an informal vote organized by pro-independence activists revealed on Sunday.
Catalonia’s Vice President Joana Ortega said over two million people took part in the poll, the BBC reports.
“We have earned the right to a referendum,” said Catalan President Artur Mas, hailing the results of the non-binding vote. A Spanish constitutional court had earlier rejected a formal referendum to decide the fate of the region.
Catalans have been pushing for independence for years, citing economic and cultural alienation from the rest of the country.
But the Spanish government dismissed the poll as invalid.....

The religious Jewish nutcases in Israel (and they are in their majority) are on a suicidal path.  They want the "end of days" just like the evanglical idiots and the oversized pecans in Iran.
From AlAkhbar:
Israeli Occupation Forces shot two young Palestinians, killing one and leaving the other in critical condition in the West Bank, medics said Tuesday, amid heightened tensions between Palestinians and Israelis across the region......

From AP:
.....In the latest unrest, an attack against a mosque in a West Bank village earlier Wednesday ignited a fire that destroyed its first floor. Faraj al-Naasan, the mayor of the village of Mughayer, north of Ramallah, blamed Jewish settlers for the blaze.
Israeli police also said someone threw a Molotov cocktail at an ancient synagogue in the Israeli-Arab town of Shfaram late Tuesday night, causing light damage......

From AlJazeera:
Blasts hit government-held towns in Libya  
Deaths reported in attacks in Tobruk and Labraq, under Prime Minister Thinni's control, as factional fighting continues.
Two car bombs have exploded in eastern Libyan towns under the control of the internationally recognised government, killing an unknown number of people, officials say.
Libya is in growing chaos as armed factions compete for power. One has taken over the capital Tripoli, setting up its own government and parliament and forcing the elected parliament and administration of Abdullah al-Thinni, the prime minister, to move east......

From DailyBhaskar:
99% people of PoK will like to join India: Muslim cleric
If plebiscite is held in Pakistan-Occupied Kashmir (POK), 99 per cent people would like to join India. The comment was made by the chairman of Anjuman Minhaj-
e-Rasool, an Islamic Organisation working for peace and communal harmony. 

"If a plebiscite is held in the Pakistan-occupied Kashmir, more than 99 per cent people there would vote to become a part of the Union of India," Anjuman Minhaj-e-Rasool chairman Maulana Syed Athar Dehlavi told reporters here. 
Athar argued that the separatist movement has been losing ground and Kashmiris on both sides of the border and people are interested in development and good governance.........

From IndianExpress:
Airstrikes kill 19 militants in Pakistan 
At least 19 militants including some top commanders were killed on Wednesday and five of their hideouts were destroyed in aerial strikes by Pakistani military jets in volatile Khyber Agency in the country’s northwest tribal region. The fighter jets carried out precise aerial strikes in Sandapal area of Khyber Agency, killing 19 terrorists including some top commanders, according to a statement by Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR). An ammunition dump and five hideouts of the terrorists were also destroyed as result of the aerial strikes, the statement added..............

From MobileNewsAustralia:
Four men arrested for allegedly plotting a terror attack to kill Queen Elizabeth
BRITISH police have foiled an alleged plot to assassinate the Queen in a knife attack this weekend at a Remembrance Day event in London, it has been claimed.
Counter terrorist police swooped on addresses in the west of the British capital and in the Thames Valley and arrested four men aged 19 to 27.
Scotland Yard were remaining tight lipped yesterday but confirmed it was an alleged Islamist plot to be carried out on British soil and was part of “an ongoing investigation into Islamist-related terrorism”.
But they declined to name the target.......

From WesternJournalism:
Young Muslims Fire Rocket Fireworks At London Police  
Some young Muslims in London were recorded lighting and firing rockets of some kind of firework at police in London. According to Breitbart, the video was distributed on Facebook so that it could be seen by the world should it not appear in the mainstream media.
What is really concerning is this may have been a physically harmless display; but had these fireworks been a true weapon, would there have been any hesitancy in firing it at police (or pedestrians for that matter)?......

From NovorossiaToday: 
Summary: artillery battles, explosions, firefighting  
Consolidated summary from the first Interbrigade of the South-East for 11.11.2014
Battles were activated around the settlement Avdeevka, Schastie for the last 24 hours at the fronts of Novorossiya. And there was liberation of the Donetsk airport.
The main direction of attack at the city became the settlement Peski (the punitives targeted the mine Octyabrskaya from the MRLS Grad.
Then relative peace became, gun –fights were just around the airport. Since morning, taking to attention battles in Avdeevka, the main direction of the punitive artillery attack at the capital of the DPR shifted to the Yasinivatskiy region (settlement Tonenkoe and Orlovka).
The attack was directed at the airport and nearby residential areas.
The punitives used burning items (phosphoresced mines), when they shelled Svyato-Ivesrskiy nunnery, and also micro district and the railway station. It is reported that the territory of the airport is totally controlled by the militia; all the parts were cleared up from the punitives..........

From Bloomberg:
Azerbaijan Risks New Armenia Conflict as Chopper Downed   
Azerbaijan shot down an Armenian helicopter that it said violated its airspace in an attack that may trigger fresh confrontations between the two countries over a disputed region.
The Mi-24 helicopter was “trying to attack” Azeri positions near a cease-fire line when it was hit, the Defense Ministry in Baku said on its website. Armenia’s Defense Ministry said the aircraft was unarmed and called its downing an “unprecedented provocation.”
“This is the worst military incident in more than 20 years since the cease-fire,” Thomas de Waal, senior associate at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, said by e-mail from Washington........

And, the madness that is the USA in its dying days, continues to continue
From CNN:
Sources: Obama seeks new Syria strategy review to deal with ISIS, Assad  
 President Obama has asked his national security team for another review of the U.S. policy toward Syria after realizing that ISIS may not be defeated without a political transition in Syria and the removal of President Bashar al Assad, senior US officials and diplomats tell CNN.
The review is a tacit admission that the initial strategy of trying to confront ISIS first in Iraq and then take them on in Syria, without also focusing on the removal of Assad, was a miscalculation.........

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