Saturday, November 1, 2014

Time for Winter Woes in France?

After the so called Arab Springs, is it now time for "Winter Woes" in countries that see snow, woes brought on by (as usual, I will go out on a limb) mainly actors cut from the same cloth as Arabs? What's happening in France today is a preview of what's coming our way in North America too? Who or whom would you hold responsible if similar unrest happens in Canada?  Would you blame the government for its foolish immigration and foreign policies or would you find it easier to  blame the rioters?   Yes .... I know there will be a big percentage of ethnic French too among the rioters. I have seen for myself what they look like while holidaying in France years ago.  They are neo-Nazis and extremely young. Most will be in their 20s and below.  Both Nazis and Muslims make use of each other when it suits their purpose.

More vids at link below.

From RTNews:
Riots, clashes in France after activist dies in police grenade blast
Another anti-police brutality protest turned violent in the French city of Rennes, with masked youths and police engaging in running street battles. The unrest follows the death of a young environmental activist earlier this week.

Overnight Thursday, protesters in the northwestern city lobbed flairs at police and flipped over cars, some of which they set ablaze. Police responded by firing tear gas. The number of arrests or injures, if any, remains unclear.
A similar protest in Paris on Wednesday also descended into violence. Around 250 people gathered outside City Hall in Paris, with some throwing rocks at police and writing "Remi is dead, the state kills" on walls, The Local’s French edition reports. At least 33 people were taken into police custody following the unrest.
The protests are in response to the death of 21-year-old activist Remi Fraisse. He was killed early on Sunday by an explosion, which occurred during violent clashes with police at the site of a contested-dam project in southwestern France.

His death, the first in a mainland protest in France since 1986, has been blamed on a concussion grenade fired by police. France’s Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve, who came under serious pressure to resign following the incident, announced an immediate suspension of such grenades, which are intended to stun rather than kill......

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