Saturday, November 15, 2014

The state of the world today is the fruit of illegal and constant American wars in the Middle East

Anybody disagreeing with that statement is a liar of the first order.

The politicians will lie through their teeth and the poor sheeple believe them wholesale when the reason for the various wars is always the same "to save the poor people who are being slaughtered by _____(insert any name of a non-USA approved dictator)." 

However, now comes the inevitable time when politicians have to change their tactics.  Now, the enemy is a vast number of tiny groups of jihadis running amok all over the place.  Which dictator(s) can they topple and claim victory? There's no victory by toppling dictators, not any more, not that there ever has been more than a few months of victorious jubilation for overthrowing a non-USA approved dictator.  The toppling or murdering of all such dictators is followed up with the placement of even bigger dictators ... but hey, that's ok, because these new guys come with that stamp on their forehead that say: "Approved and tested by the USA. He might be an arsehole, but he's our arsehole."

You got to read the article below to understand that whatever is happening with the ISIS/ISIL/IS/Al Qaeda/xyz is because of USA's foreign policies.  Will the USA ever change those policies?  **Sigh**

Terrence McCoy writing at WashingtonPost:
In March 2009, in a wind-swept sliver of Iraq,  a sense of uncertainty befell the southern town of Garma, home to one of the Iraq war’s most notorious prisons. The sprawling Camp Bucca detention center, which had detained some of the war’s most radical extremists along the Kuwait border, had just freed hundreds of inmates. Families rejoiced, anxiously awaiting their sons, brothers and fathers who had been lost to Bucca for years. But a local official fretted.

“These men weren’t planting flowers in a garden,” police chief Saad Abbas Mahmoud told The Washington Post’s Anthony Shadid, estimating that 90 percent of the freed prisoners would soon resume fighting. “They weren’t strolling down the street. This problem is both big and dangerous. And regrettably, the Iraqi government and the authorities don’t know how big the problem has become.”

Mahmoud’s assessment of Camp Bucca, which funneled 100,000 detainees through its barracks and closed months later, would prove prescient. The camp now represents an opening chapter in the history of the Islamic State — many of its leaders, including Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, were incarcerated and probably met there. According to former prison commanders, analysts and soldiers, Camp Bucca provided a unique setting for both prisoner radicalization and inmate collaboration — and was formative in the development of today’s most potent jihadist force........

...........Many were guilty of attacking American soldiers. But many more were not — “simply being a ‘suspicious looking’ military-aged male in the vicinity of an attack was enough to land one behind bars,” according to the Times opinion piece. Shadid reported as much in 2009, confirming that many viewed it “as an appalling miscarriage of justice where prisoners were not charged or permitted to see evidence against them [and] freed detainees may end up swelling the ranks of a subdued insurgency.”.......

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