Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Kenyans testify to atrocities committed by the British

Between 1952 and 1960, the kind of brutality and sick behaviour inflicted on Kenyans by the British soldiers is finally coming to light.  The affected have filed a class action suit.

No quick death from the depraved British forces on their enemies, torture and degradation of the non-white victims is more their thing in the lands they occupied and looted.

Cahal Milmo writing at IndependentUK:
Mau Mau uprising:   Kenyans still waiting for justice join class action over Britain's role in the emergency
Thousands of elderly people claim mistreatment, rape and torture by colonial forces.

Kenya's Mau Mau emergency is still raging more than 50 years since hostilities ceased. The full breadth of the misdeeds inflicted on countless Kenyan men and women suspected of subversive activities against the white settlers and colonial forces still remains the subject of contentious struggle. Thousands of elderly Kenyans, who claim mistreatment, rape and torture by British colonial forces during the Mau Mau uprising, have launched a £200m damages claim against the UK Government.

The High Court action represents the final chance for justice for some 40,000 Kenyans, many of whom are in their seventies and eighties, and will dwarf a case settled last year by 5,000 victims of torture under British rule for £19.9m.........

.......The testimonies, made by claimants who will not be test cases in the proceedings, include:

* A woman, now 76, who details how, as a 14-year-old girl she and her family were brutalised during a raid by colonial police before two white soldiers forced her to have sex with her own father while they looked on.

* A man, now aged 79, who describes how he was placed above a metal drum of burning charcoal, known as the "hat of death", and beaten until he defecated over himself, before then being beaten unconscious with a hammer.

* Another man, now 83, who suffered regular torture including a punishment which involved being made to dig a hole with his index finger by constantly turning his crouched body in a circle, causing dizziness punished by further beatings..........

.........'My father was forced to sleep with me. The two white men were watching'

"Mwara", 74 (not her real name).

Account of a paramilitary raid in 1952 when claimant was aged 14.

"A white officer stabbed me with a bayonet in my knee. He did it to try to force me into the hut. My father was collared into the house and I followed.........

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