Sunday, November 16, 2014

Karzai gives us a glimpse into the madness of the USA's foreign policies

It's good that Karzai is speaking out.  Hope he does not suddenly get struck down with cancer like so many others I could name but won't lest I am labelled a conspiracy nut.

From RadioFreelEurope
Karzai Accuses U.S. Of 'Dual Policy'   Toward Afghanistan

Afghanistan's former President Hamid Karzai has accused the United States of pursuing a "dual policy" toward his country that has led to the expansion of extremism in the region. 

In an exclusive interview with RFE/RL's Radio Free Afghanistan that was broadcast on November 16, Karzai said that senior U.S. officials would tell him that neighboring Pakistan was harboring terrorists responsible for attacks inside Afghanistan but urge him not to raise the issue with Pakistani leaders.

Karzai said the United States "has been both encouraging the thief to steal and the house owner to safeguard his house."

"On the one hand, some U.S. leaders would come and tell us that Al-Qaeda and terrorism are located and nurtured in Pakistan and that they come to attack us from there," Karzai said. "On the other hand, whenever we protested against Pakistan's support for terrorism they asked us not to do so and whenever we asked them to take action, they made it clear to us that they couldn't because of various problems. Once, they came to us asking for improved and constructive relationship with Pakistan, to which we would said, 'Yes, of course, the Afghan nation wants to have good and brotherly relationship with Pakistan as we are neighbors and brothers, but without compromising Afghanistan's independence and peace.'"

The former president, who completed his second term on September 29, said that the 13-year war in Afghanistan has not achieved its desired result.

He said that "not only extremism has not been rooted out, but it has even expanded in the region."

Karzai reiterated his accusation that Pakistan was supporting the Taliban, calling the militants' insurgency "a state-sponsored tool."

But he welcomed a "strategic partnership" with Pakistan if Islamabad contributed more to the counterterrorism effort.

"Over the past three years, the United States and some of its Western allies have been trying to force Afghanistan to sign a strategic partnership agreement with Pakistan without guaranteeing Afghanistan’s peace and stability," Karzai said, adding that his response was that "we would never do it."

"Yes, we want to have a strategic partnership with Pakistan, but only once peace and stability is restored in our country," Karzai added. "We want an agreement of strategic partnership between two .......

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