Thursday, November 20, 2014

Dear Canada ...When you talk the talk, you have to walk the walk too ....

didn't you know that?
When we manufacture coups, uprisings and civil wars in those
far away lands, all in cohorts with our dear neighbour and firm ally, the United States of America,  we should also know that there are consequences of that partnership that need to be met and we should be adult enough to accept those consequences and consider them to be our responsibilities as atonement for allowing the USA to push us around any which way.

Yes, Canada, there's no way out now. You have to take in refugees from the conflict areas of the world because 99% of the time those conflicts are the making of the USA, aided by her various partners at any given time, partners who sometimes become her non-partners too and many a time her sworn enemies. That's the USA's inherent nature and as Canada has opted to be an ally of that dysfunctional country come hell or high water, so be it.  
Now, do your share dear Canada! Take in the refugees! 

Lee Berthiaume writing at OttawaCitizen:
....The documents show Canada has already made a number of commitments when it comes to accepting government-assisted refugees.

The commitments, each spread over several years, include resettling 2,500 Congolese refugees from Tanzania and Burundi, 900 Colombians from Ecuador, and 4,000 Eritreans from Sudan and Ethiopia.

Canada will also resettle 5,000 Iranian and Iraqi refugees currently in Turkey, while 200 of the 1,300 Syrian refugees Canada agreed to accept by the end of this year fall into this category. The rest are to be sponsored by churches and other groups.

(Officials warned Alexander in March that they would not meet the commitment to resettle 1,100 privately sponsored refugees, but were on track to resettle the 200 government-assisted refugees.)

Despite the existing commitments, officials said Canada has space to accept 3,000 more government-assisted refugees in 2015, 2,700 in 2016 and 4,700 in 2017.

“A multi-year commitment to Syrian refugees would uphold the resettlement program’s humanitarian objectives as it aligns with the principle that Canada’s refugee program is in the first instance about saving lives and offering protection to the displaced and persecuted,” they added.

The documents show Citizenship and Immigration officials drew up a “recommended new commitment” that was presented to the minister in a PowerPoint presentation, though the specifics have been censored.

A separate memo also suggests officials recommended a new commitment, referring to a “proposed approach” that is “in line with Canada’s traditional leadership role and approach to resettlement generally and to specific appeals and events.”

Under “resource implications,” the memo notes: “Canada’s commitment to resettle 20,000 Iraqi refugees by 2015 is winding down.”

NDP immigration critic Lysane Blanchette-Lamothe said it’s “shameful” the government has not made any new commitments “even as international partners, specifically the countries around Syria, are asking Canada and other countries to do more.

“Canada hasn’t done its part in this massive crisis,” she added. “Canada can help more and save lives, and we need to bring attention to that fact.”

Liberal immigration critic John McCallum noted other countries, such as Sweden and Germany, have accepted thousands more Syrian refugees than Canada, whose commitment he described as “crazily small and irresponsible.”...........

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