Wednesday, October 1, 2014

World War III news .... October 1, 2014

Syria, Novorussia, Iraq, Kurdistan, Canada, UK, USA, France, Ukraine, Turkey,  Afghanistan, Pakistan

The jihadists trained, funded and armed by Obama, McCain and other warmongers did this: 
From Yahoo:
School bombing kills 41 children in Syria: monitor  
At least 41 Syrian children aged under 12 were killed Wednesday in a double bombing by a lone assailant at a school in the government-controlled city of Homs, a monitor said.
They were among 48 people who died in the attacks in the Akrameh neighbourhood, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said, updating an earlier toll.
"At least 41 schoolchildren were killed in the double bombing at the Akrameh al-Makhzumi school in Homs city today. Several children are still missing, and the toll may rise further still," said Observatory director Rami Abdel Rahman.
The adults killed were four civilians and three members of the security forces.
One attacker carried out both bombings.
"He planted a bomb at one location at the school, and then blew himself up at another spot nearby," Abdel Rahman told AFP of the attacker........

Canada's partner, the Ukraine regime, continues to deliberately target civilian areas. Just seen one vid of a bus shelter being shelled and now a school was targeted just like the jihadis have done in Homs, Syria. Warning: disturbing images. Also, the Ukrainain regime is not keeping their part of the agreement on the POWs swap. 

From AlAlam:
ISIL advancing on Suleyman Shah’s Tomb 
Turkey on Tuesday said ISIL Terrorist were advancing on a tiny exclave considered Turkish territory in northern Syria, but insisted it was still in control of the land despite reports its guards there were encircled.
The tomb of Suleyman Shah, the grandfather of the founder of the Ottoman Empire Osman I, on the Euphrates River, is Turkish territory under a 1920s treaty and still guarded by a few dozen Turkish troops.
The pro-government Yeni Safak daily had reported earlier that the 36 Turkish soldiers guarding the tomb had been overwhelmed by a group of some 1,100 ISIL Terrorists.
It suggested that the troops could now be held hostage by the Terrorists.
But Deputy Prime Minister Bulent Arninc acknowledged that ISIL Terrorists were advancing on the tomb but played down speculation that the situation was critical.
Turkey has previously warned that it would consider an attack on Suleyman Shah as an attack on its sovereign territory to which it would respond in kind......

From BBC:
Afghan suicide attack  kills army troops in Kabul
At least seven people have died and many were injured after a suicide bomber targeted a bus carrying troops in the Afghan capital Kabul.
A second bus was hit by a suicide bomber elsewhere in the city, injuring two soldiers and two civilians.
The Taliban said they had carried out the attacks.
The blasts come a day after Afghan and US officials signed a deal letting US troops stay in Afghanistan after the end of 2014...........

From OttawaCitizen:
 Canadian fighter pilots could soon bomb rebels they supported in Libya
As the Conservative government contemplates sending CF-18 fighter jets into Iraq, Canadian pilots may soon be bombing some of the same gunmen their actions supported several years ago elsewhere.....

........“Certainly some of the players in ISIL are going to be the same people who fought Gadhafi,” said Martin Shadwick, a defence analyst with York University. “The ability of these forces to move across borders, to fight in each other’s battles, is something that should be looked at more closely in the future.”
The Conservative government is currently considering options for further military action in Iraq against ISIL. Prime Minister Stephen Harper said Tuesday a decision will be made “in the coming days.”....

.....The Canadian military is now looking at fielding an Iraq force similar to the one it sent to fight in Libya. That could involve CF-18s and Aurora aircraft for surveillance.....

....The Conservative government, however, considers the 2011 Libyan mission a victory for Canada. Shortly after Gadhafi’s death at the hands of rebels, the government held an $850,000 victory parade in downtown Ottawa, featuring flyovers by CF-18s and Aurora aircraft.

“Canada is proud to have played a leading role in the UN-sanctioned NATO mission that helped protect civilians during the liberation of Libya,” Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird has noted.....

From Reuters:
At least 35 people were killed  in a wave of car bomb and mortar attacks in mainly Shi'ite Muslim districts of Baghdad on Tuesday, Iraqi police and medical sources said.

It was one of the most violent days the capital has witnessed since U.S.-led forces began bombing Islamic State insurgents in Iraq last month.
There was no immediate claim of responsibility for the attacks but Islamic State, ultra-radical Sunni Muslim militants who seized swathes of northern Iraq in June, claimed several suicide bombings in the capital earlier this year.

Two car bombs exploded in busy streets in the al-Horreyya district, killing 20 people and wounding 35, according to the police and medical sources. There was also a mortar attack in the Sab al-Bour neighbourhood of northern Baghdad that killed five people and wounded 15.
Later on Tuesday, at least seven people were killed and 18 wounded when a car bomb exploded in the mainly Shi'ite Zaa'faraniya district of southeast Baghdad, police said........

USA's intel services are the best in the world, eh?  I wonder why their all-knowing ally Israel who has an inside line to the men in black, didn't have better intelligence on the grain silos hit by mistake .... or was it really a mistake or a ruse to starve Syrians? 
From DailyMail:
At least two civilian workers were killed after missiles launched in a US airstrike targeting an ISIS-controlled region in Syria struck grain silos, according to a human rights group.
The British-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights believes aircraft may have mistaken the mills and grain storage areas in the northern Syrian town of Manbij for an Islamic State base.....

IMO, John Wight, jounalist/analyst is 100% right.  You can't defeat an enemy whose jihadist army grows with each new Sunni area it captures. It's logical that the resident Sunni jihadis will join the monstrous Frankenstein and await the creators (USA and her allies) to come and get them by "boots on the ground" .... I sincerely hope the Western powers are not going to take that bait, however,  I am not holding my breath, not after seeing how our idiot leaders have thrown the young men and women of the defense forces to the Muslim wolves just so they can oil the machinery of the ultra rich warmongers.  The countries in the hellhole of the Middle East should look after themselves or destroy each other. They all have the means and the zest.

From DailyStar:
ISIS behead captured Kurds in Syria  
Activists say ISIS militants have beheaded nine Kurdish fighters, including three women, captured in clashes near the Syria-Turkey border.

The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said Wednesday that the nine Kurds were captured during fighting over the northern Syrian town of Kobani, also known as Ayn Arab.

There have been fierce clashes around Kobani since mid-September, when ISIS launched an assault to seize the area.

The Observatory also says that dozens of militants and Kurdish fighters were killed in clashes overnight.....

From Channel4:
Channel 4 News witnesses   RAF fighter jets carry out an air strike in Iraq as part of the US-led mission against the Islamic State group, as British forces ramp up their campaign.
After several missions without finding a suitable target, Britain's RAF Tornados have now carried out further air strikes against the Islamic State (IS) group in Iraq as part of the US-led coalition mission.

Two Tornado GR4 aircraft took off from Akrotiri in Cyprus in support of Iraqi government forces west of Baghdad, and overnight fired four Brimstone missiles in a "precision attack" against two IS vehicles, one of which was an armed pick-up truck, said the Ministry of Defence (MoD).

Further strikes were carried out later on Wednesday, one of which was filmed by Channel 4 News......

From WeeklyStandard:
Homeland Security Head: '  Core al Qaeda in Afghanistan and Pakistan'
Visiting Canada for the first time as Department Homeland Security (DHS) chief, secretary Jeh Johnson addressed the Canadian American Business Council on Wednesday. His remarks focused on existential threats in the world today, particularly in relation to the United States and Canada and the efforts of the two countries' governments to safeguard their borders. ........

From NVDaily:
.....But the revelation  of this heretofore unheard of al-Qaeda group raises a number of troubling issues.

First, the fact that Khorasan is run by Muhsin al Fadhli, who was reportedly aware of the 9/11 plot while an al-Qaeda up-'n'-comer, means that "core al-Qaeda" (that is, the 9/11 crowd) isn't dead and done for -- ideologically or operationally.

The other interesting tidbit is that this terror cell doesn't appear to be seized by the to-and-fro of the
 Syrian civil war, but was reportedly primarily interested in using the conflict's chaos as convenient cover from which to wallop the West.

Terrorist groups crave lawless, ungoverned territory to set up camp; unpressured, they use these areas for planning, training and operating against their next victim.

Another disturbing element of this still-unfolding story is that the Syria-based Khorasan may have been working with a team of Yemen-based al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP)-trained bomb makers.

AQAP explosives expert, Ibrahim al Asiri -- of underwear, printer cartridge and surgically-implanted bomb fame -- may have dispatched some of his minions to build an explosive device for a Western passport-holding Khorasan operative.........

From DefenseUpdate:
French jets strike ISIS targets in Mosul, Iraq  
French Rafale jet fighters struck a suspected Islamic State target in Iraq for the first time yesterday, (Friday, Sept. 19, 2014 09:40 ET) expanding a U.S.-led military campaign against ISIS. The French Rafales hit "a logistics depot of the terrorists" near the city of Mosul.

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