Sunday, October 12, 2014

World War 3 .... October 12

USA, UK, Canada,  Australia, New Zealand, Lebanon, Libya, Mali, Jordan, UAE, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Iraq, Syria, Turkey, Kurdistan, Yemen,   Nigeria,France with (Mali, Burkina Faso, Niger and Chad ) Germany, Italy, Czech Republic, Albania, Estonia, Hungary, Belgium, Denmark, Sweden, Switzerland, Austria, Japan, Republic of Korea, Ireland, Spain, Slovakia, Norway, The Netherlands, Luxembourg, Bulgaria, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Novorussia, Ukraine, Chechnya, Somalia, Iran, India, South Korea, North Korea,   Central African Republic, Kenya .... 

From CNN:
ISIS nearly made it to Baghdad airport,  top U.S. military leader says
The leader of U.S. military efforts to fight ISIS in Iraq says the terror group came within 25 kilometers (15.5 miles) of the Baghdad airport.
Offering what appeared to be previously unreported details, Gen. Martin Dempsey told ABC's "This Week" that the United States had to risk bringing in low-flying attack helicopters to keep ISIS at bay.
"The tool that was immediately available was the Apache [helicopter]. The risk of operating in a hostile environment is there constantly," the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff said.
"You're not going to wait until they're climbing over the wall," Dempsey said. "Had [ISIS forces] overrun the Iraqi unit, it was a straight shot to the Baghdad airport. So, we're not going to let that happen.".............

The border regiments of India and Pakistan continue to exchange fire on borders of the disputed area of Jammnu-Kashmir. According to Indians,  Pakistani soldiers have become  part of the ISIS jihadi army rampaging in Kashmir.

From Telegraph:
Iraq asks for US ground troops  as Isil threaten Baghdad
Islamic State jihadists move within eight miles of the Iraqi capital, sparking calls for America to return to the country
Iraqi officials have issued a desperate plea for America to bring US ground troops back to the embattled country, as heavily armed Islamic State militants came within striking distance of Baghdad.
Amid reports that Isil forces have advanced as far as Abu Ghraib, a town that is effectively a suburb of Baghdad, a senior governor claimed up to 10,000 fighters from the movement were now poised to assault the capital.
The warning came from Sabah al-Karhout, president of the provisional council of Anbar Province, the vast desert province to the west of Baghdad that has now largely fallen under jihadist control.
The province’s two main cities, Fallujah and Ramadi, were once known as “the graveyard of the Americans”, and the idea of returning there will not be welcomed by the Pentagon.......

From BBC:
Police chief of Iraq's  Anbar province killed by bomb
The police chief of Iraq's Anbar province, where Islamic State militants are advancing, has been killed by a roadside bomb, officials say.
Major General Ahmed Saddag was killed when the bomb targeted his convoy near the provincial capital Ramadi......

From Channel4News:

From Independent:
Isis could become 'world’s first truly terrorist state'  and bomb UK with nuclear and chemical weapons, Theresa May warns
Isis could acquire nuclear and biological weapons to launch attacks on Britain, the Home Secretary warned today as she set out new measures to clamp down on extremist groups.
In a speech to the Tory party conference that concentrated almost entirely on the threat from terrorism at home and abroad, Theresa May warned that the jihadist group could become the “world's first truly terrorist state“ in Iraq and Syria........

From BBC:
Syria: Kobane siege death toll 'passes 500'  
At least 553 people are said to have died in a month of fighting for Kobane, the Kurdish town just inside Syria under Islamic State (IS) attack.
The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a UK-based Syrian opposition body which monitors the conflict, counted 298 IS fighters among the dead.
US aircraft have bombed IS positions as Kurdish fighters cling on to the town's vital border crossing with Turkey.
But the defenders say they are outgunned on the ground......

From HorseedMedia:
Kenya airstrike ‘kills 60 al-Shabaab militants’ in Somalia  
Kenya says it carried out an airstrike in a southern region of neighbouring Somalia, killing at least 60 al-Shabab fighters.
A statement from the Kenya Defence forces department said fighter jets had attacked a camp in Bula-Gadud town on Friday afternoon in the region of Middle Jubba of Southern Somalia, killing 60 militants.
“Initial battle assessment indicates 60 Al Shabaab militants have been killed during the attacks at 13.00hrs,” said the statement.........

Kurds get booty from defeated pockets of jihadi units.

From NYTimes
Four Bombings Kill Over 50 People Around Baghdad  
A rash of bombings in several districts around greater Baghdad on Saturday killed more than 50 people and wounded nearly 100, unnerving the capital on what, for many, was the final day of a weeklong holiday.

From Xinhuanet:
At least two people were killed  and four others injured when U.S. drones launched missile strikes in Pakistan's northwest tribal town of Wana on Sunday afternoon, local media reported.
Local Urdu TV cannel Capital said that the U.S. unmanned aircraft targeted a compound of suspected militants in Wana town of South Waziristan, a semi-autonomous tribal area at Pakistan- Afghanistan border............

From VICE:
Turkey Arrests 274 Kobane Refugees Fleeing Islamic State Attack
Turkish security forces have arrested and detained more than 200 Syrians refugees — including young children — fleeing the besieged border town of Kobane, according to their family members, lawyers, and local politicians.
Two hundred and seventy-four Syrians, including a large number of woman — one pregnant — and minors have been held inside a single large room at a police station on the outskirts of Suruc in Sanliurfa province since October 5, Meral Danis Bestas, executive Committee member with the pro-Kurdish Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP), said Friday after visiting the detainees along with Sanliurfa Bar Association President Ali Fuat Bucak and Serhat Eren of the Kurdistan Lawyer's Association........

From AlJazeera:
ISIL 'publicly executes Iraqi journalist'  
Relatives of cameraman Raad al-Azzawi say he was killed along with his brother and two civilians near Tikrit.
The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) has publicly executed a news cameraman and three civilians in northern Iraq, according to the journalist's relatives. 
ISIL shot Raad al-Azzawi, 37, his brother and two other civilians on Friday in the village of Samra, east of Tikrit, in the country's Salaheddin governorate, the relatives said.
"They came to his home and took him and his brother," one relative said, speaking on condition of anonymity. "He did nothing wrong; his only crime was to be a cameraman. He was just doing his job."
Al Jazeera cannot independently verify the reports of the public executions..........

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