Thursday, October 30, 2014

Who came first, the egg or the chicken?

MERS has been forgotten by our lovely MSM because MERS' home is Saudi Arabia and dontcha know the Saudis are our pals and we should never ever say or do anything to upset our pals.  
Ebola, presumably started somewhere in West Africa and none of those African countries nor that entire continent means anything to the powers-that-be when compared to the region of the Middle East.

From AlAkhbar:
Saudi Arabia said late on Wednesday   it had detected six new cases of the deadly Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) in 24 hours, the biggest daily jump for months with officials blaming lax hospital procedures.

The recent surge in cases, now numbering 32 since the start of October, has been focused in Riyadh and the western city of Taif, but it remains far less extensive than an outbreak in April and May that infected hundreds.

MERS causes coughing, fever and sometimes pneumonia, killing around 40 percent of its victims. The vast majority of confirmed cases worldwide have been found in Saudi Arabia, where 786 people have been infected, of whom 334 have died.

Two of the new cases announced by the health ministry were in medical personnel, adding to concerns about the standard of infection control procedures in medical facilities. Three different Taif hospitals have been affected.........

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