Monday, October 20, 2014

The wonderful world of Prison America

Unbelievable!   No .... actually quite believable.  No wonder America is becoming a laughing stock all over the world and it's mainly because of its hypocrisy and the chutzpah it has to lecture other countries without being able to see the huge speck of dirt stuck in its own eyes.  
Niall McCarthy writing at Forbes:
Nearly A Third Of All Female Prisoners  Worldwide Are Incarcerated In The United States
According to the International Centre for Prison Studies, nearly a third of all female prisoners worldwide are incarcerated in the United States of America. There are 201,200 women in US prisons, representing 8.8 percent of the total American prison population.

China comes a very distant second to the United States with 84,600 female prisoners in total or 5.1% of the overall Chinese prison population. Russia is in third position – 59,000 of its prisoners are women and this comes to 7.8 percent of the total.

Across the world, 625,000 women and children are being held in penal institutions with the female prison population growing on all five continents.........

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