Thursday, October 16, 2014

The tale of the sudden appearance of chemical weapons in Iraq

Unbelievable!  Here's a tale of how the powers-that-be and their willing slaves the Press corps hoodwink the general public .... or at least that 10% or  less of the population that has more interest in what's going on in the world rather than in the shape of Kim Kardashian breasts and behind.

The chemical weapons that the jihadi army is suspected to have got hold of are supposedly the chemical weapons that the USA and other European countries had supplied to Iraq during or before Iraq's war with Iran long before the USA's attack on Iraq. Remember how we were told that Saddam was manufacturing chemical weapons and had a stockpile of them?  Hah!  Any and all such weapons were either supplied  by the USA herself or the know-how given to Iraq. How wonderful! And, far more wonderful is the fact that the mighty armies of the USA and UK were not able to locate the weapons.  

There are two questions that should now be asked. 
1) Had the USA and UK found the locations and knowing that the chemicals were from the war with Iran in the 80s, did  they think they had degraded with time to such an extent as to make them useless?
2) Or, is this disclosure at this point in time, a cover up for other new and improved chemical weapons that the USA and allies had supplied to the "moderate rebels" fighting to oust Assad and which have now fallen into the hands of the jihadi army?

From RTNews:
Washington concealed US troops exposure to chemical weapons in Iraq – intel docs
American soldiers discovered more than 4,990 chemical munitions in Iraq, according to Iraqi and US officials and previously classified intelligence documents, which may now be in the hands of Islamic State militants.

For much of the duration of the Iraq War, which saw US soldiers open a military invasion against the Ba’athist country in March 2003 amid tremendous international outcry, US forces "repeatedly encountered, and on six occasions were wounded by, chemical weapons” leftover from the Iraq-Iran War, reported the New York Times.......

.........At first blush, it may seem inconceivable that the United States, which had argued for an invasion of Iraq on the grounds that it was harboring weapons of mass destruction (an accusation that the UN weapons inspectors on the ground in Iraq prior to the American invasion/occupation had proven to be incorrect), would want to keep the discovery of WMDs in Iraq under wraps.

One reason for the hush-up, the report suggests, is that the United States was largely responsible for Iraq having chemical weapons in the first place.
“In five of six incidents in which troops were wounded by chemical agents, the munitions appeared to have been designed in the United States, manufactured in Europe and filled in chemical agent production lines built in Iraq by Western companies,” it said.
Many of the casings were M110s, which the United States military had developed decades ago to disperse white phosphorous or mustard gas.........

........“The United States also exported the shells and the technology behind them,” the Times reported. “When Iraq went arms shopping in the 1980s, it found manufacturers in Italy and Spain willing to deal their copies. By 1988, these two countries alone had sold Iraq 85,000 empty M110-type shells, according to confidential United Nations documents.”

This is where the story begins to get very disturbing.

During the Iraq-Iran War (1980-1988), Baghdad actively sought the development of chemical weapons with the help of a number of Western countries, including the United States, West Germany, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, and France, according to internal Iraqi documents.

It is has already been widely documented that at least 50,000 Iranian civilians and soldiers were killed by Iraqi chemical weapons in the course of the war.

As the Times report detailed, many of the chemical weapons incidents were centered around the now largely destroyed Muthanna State Establishment, which was “the center of Iraqi chemical agent production in the 1980s.”.....

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