Thursday, October 9, 2014

So .... how's the American revolution coming along ?

Very, very nicely.  
With Whites on Blacks and Blacks on Whites shootings aplenty.

Hmmmm .... I wonder if when America falls apart and parts of it become Black dominated ... wonder if Obama, or maybe Eric Holder or one of the other race baiters will get to be the head of the UnUnited States of Black America.
I tell you ... America is really coming apart at the seams.  This IS the new world order in every sense of the spelling of that word.  I hope there will be at least a couple of historians who will be able to tell the tale of how and why the great country met its end and tell it honestly and without bias.

From Reuters:
White policeman kills black teen in St Louis, triggering fresh protests
A white off-duty policeman shot and killed a black teenager in St Louis on Wednesday, officers said, triggering a night of protests just miles from the site of another police shooting of another black youth in the suburb of Ferguson.

Police said the 18-year-old was armed and fired three shots while he was being chased by the officer, and they had recovered a gun at the scene.

The youth was killed almost two months to the day since sometimes violent protests erupted in Ferguson after a white police officer shot dead unarmed black 18-year-old Michael Brown.

In Wednesday's shooting, the dead man was one of three people who fled after being approached by the officer, a six-year veteran of the department who was working for a private security company, St. Louis Metropolitan Police Chief Sam Dotson said.

The officer, who was wearing his city police uniform, fired 17 shots at the teenager, police added.

A crowd of around 200 gathered at the scene in the south St. Louis neighborhood of Shaw, 11 miles (18 km) south of Ferguson. Many of the protesters marched to a major thoroughfare, partially blocking traffic and chanting "Whose streets? Our streets?" as a police helicopter hovered overhead..........

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