Monday, October 27, 2014

Leaving Afghanistan .... but will they be back ?

Ten years from now or even sooner they will likely be back. We have the example of what's happening in Iraq right now, so we can tell what could happen in Afghanistan down the road.  Like moths to the flame, in this case, Alladin's lamp, the Western powers will never stop hovering over the Muslim lands .... only to be defeated time and time again.  Always seeking a different result and never finding it.  

Only time will tell if anything good of lasting value was accomplished  or if building vast malls and shopping arcades in which to sell Chinese made goods was the goal after all. Will the Afghan women fight for their rights, be prepared to die if need be or will they submit again to slavery?
Now that the "straightener" has been removed from the dog's curly tail, will the tail remain straight and for how long?
Only time will tell!

From BBC:
The last UK troops have left Helmand in Afghanistan, as a poll suggests 68% of respondents thought the campaign was not "worthwhile" for Britain.

The BBC poll of 1,000 adults also found 42% thought the UK was "less safe" as a result of the 13-year campaign.
The end of UK combat operations was announced on Sunday, as the main British base Camp Bastion was handed to Afghan control.
The final troops left by air on Monday, with the last holding the union jack.
US troops from Camp Leatherneck, which adjoined Camp Bastion, have also left, leaving Afghan forces in control of the entire site.
The BBC's telephone poll, carried out from 24-26 October, found 14% thought the UK was safer as a result of the international intervention in Afghanistan, which began in 2001.........

From ITAR:
NATO forces complete withdrawal  from Afghanistan
NATO-led International Security Assistance Force left the camps in 24 hours after they had passed under the jurisdiction of the National Army of Afghanistan
The United States and Britain withdrew the last military units from their bases Camp Leatherneck and Camp Bastion in Helmand province in southern Afghanistan on Monday, local media says.
According to them, the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force /ISAF/ left the camps in 24 hours after they had passed under the jurisdiction of the National Army of Afghanistan. Over that time, the ISAF had airlifted equipment and about 1,000 troopers to an airport in Kandahar province.
In May this year, US President Barack Obama said he would finally withdraw US troops from Afghanistan. The US is planning to reduce the number of its troops in Afghanistan to 9,800 people by the start of 2015; the figure is to decrease almost twice in the course of the year. The last US soldiers and officers will leave Afghanistan late in 2016. Until recently, the United States has kept 30,000 of its servicemen in Afghanistan.....

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