Friday, October 3, 2014

Jihadis by another name in the Ukraine political parties

While watching these vids don't forget that the political leaders of Canada and the USA, whether they be the ruling force or the opposition, are supporting the violent madness that is the political world of Ukraine.  Do these guys remind you of Shariah enforcers in Syria and the Muslim enclaves of London? To me, they do. To those thinking I am being a doofus for comparing these thugs to jihadis ... you haven't seen nothing yet.  There are reports of headless women's bodies found in shallow graves. The women were supposedly from the separatist camps. Yes ... these jihadis by another name are capable of doing anything.

Welcome to our new world of thuggery, all nicely supported by the crooks we have voted to high office.  Neither of our countries have any opposition parties any more.  All our politicians have morph into one monstrous body. 

This is supposed to have happened in Dnipropetrovsk, in the prosecutor's office

Apparently the victim here was posing as "head of SS" and the "Right Sector" caught him.

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