Wednesday, October 22, 2014

A few of the residents of Ford Nation

The people who vote for Rob Ford and who will hopefully vote for his brother Doug Ford to be the next mayor of this city, are the kind of people that we ordinary folks can relate to and chat with. That's enough for me! 

From YahooNews:
Inside Ford Nation  

Harry Vandekemp: Trusting the Fords to make 'wise decisions'
Iola Fortino: Believer, anti-bully and proud Ford Nation representative
Albert Wong: Just keep the taxman out of my pocket
Bonnie Luciano: Similar life lessons strengthened her loyalty to the Fords

From YahooNews:
Followers are passionate about politics and quick to forgive 
 ....I’m still not sure I completely understand the Ford phenomenon.
But next time an Ottawa cab driver or a ancouver-based accountant asks me how Rob was elected to lead Canada’s largest city, I might have a better answer.
I’ll say that a large group of Torotonians – many of whom self-describe as Ford Nation – believe that Rob and Doug Ford are looking out for the average Torontonian family.
Despite their privileged upbringings, the Ford’s have cultivated an 'us versus them' mentality, branding themselves as the ultimate protectors against the city’s elite and the big bad media.  
And, in doing so, they’ve become political celebrities.......

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