Friday, September 19, 2014

Wow! Mysterious donor offers reward of $30 M to catch killers of MH17

This is what I call putting your money to good use. Could it be that one of  the Russian billionaires close to the inner circle , maybe even Putin himself,  is the mysterious benefactor?  The inner circle knows why and how the ill-fated flight met its end and they know that the powers-that-be in the USA will restrict the findings from being made public.  Russians also know that whatever proof they show of the Ukrainian regime being the culprits will be pooh-poohed by Russia-haters .... the nations of the West.

What a novel way to bring out whistleblowers from within the Ukrainian regime itself.  I hope more billionaires are taking note of this if they want justice done in so many other quarters where justice is trampled on and lies all us truth-seekers a favor and spare a few million to throw sunlight on a lot of darkness we are crushing under.

Ian Johnston writing at IndependentUK:
$30m reward offered  to catch the killers of 298 people who were on Flight MH17.

A reward of $30m (more than £18m) has been offered for information leading to the identification of those responsible for the shooting down of Flight MH17 over Ukraine.

The bounty - believed to be the largest ever offered, ahead of the £25m put up by the US for the capture of Osama bin Laden – was revealed by a firm of German investigators on Wednesday.

The detective agency, Wifka, said a mysterious benefactor, whose name they do not know, had deposited the money in a bank account in Zurich, Switzerland. Anyone revealing who was behind the downing of the Malaysian Airlines plane would also be given a new identity.

The company said in a statement that it wanted to know who carried out the actual shooting, where these people are now, who ordered the firing and what were the circumstances that led to the shooting. .......

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