Monday, September 22, 2014

World War III news .... September 22

The Ukraine
You heard about that truce thing in East Ukraine?  Yeah ... it's working out beautifully as you can see from vid below.  What a difference between a referendum held in Scotland and a referendum held in the Russian-speaking East Ukraine, eh? The war crimes criminals in Kiev (who are incidentally all fast friends of Western leaders) are dropping everything they can grab on the separatist areas. About time someone gave the separatists equally lethal weapons to make it a fair fight.  I hope you know that the West has been sending all kind of weaponry to the Kiev crooks so the testing of those weapons can be carried out on the separatists.  In a just world, all Western leaders would be hauled to The Hague.

From RIA Novosti:

Ukrainian troops have  today violated the Minsk ceasefire agreement 10 times, killing several people in Donbas region, the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic (DPR) reported Saturday.

"On 10:50 [a.m.] the enemy conducted MRL Grad strikes against the Abakumova and Komsomolets Donbasu mines. The following fire completely burnt down three administration buildings, three employees were killed," the DPR headquarters said in a statement.
In addition, Ukrainian troops fired at the Belo-Kamenka, Nova Marivka and Zuevka settlements, killing one civilian and injuring seven, the militia reported.
Earlier on Saturday, reports suggested that the Ukrainian forces conducted a round of shelling on Donetsk in the early morning hours. According to witnesses, several residential buildings have been destroyed.
Ukrainian forces also launched an attack on a military factory in Donetsk.....

According to a Reuters' source,  an "accidental" blast in ..... oh, go on read it yourself, see the possible reason given for the "accidental" blast.

Accidental blast at Libya army base kills 11 - source  
At least 11 people were killed by an accidental blast at a Libyan military base in the eastern city of Al Bayda, a security source said on Monday.

The source said a preliminary investigation showed the explosion may have been caused by high temperatures in a weapons storage area at the base.........

From WorldBulletin:
Blast goes off near Libya constitution assembly HQ  
"A car parked near a government building close to the assembly headquarters exploded," an assembly staffer said.
A car-bomb exploded near the seat of the constitution-drafting assembly in Libya's eastern city of Bayda on Monday

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