Monday, September 29, 2014

World War 3 news ..... September 29 ...... Part 1

The present prez of Libya is calling for "sanctions" but  against whom or what is not clear.  Is he reluctant to say Qatar or Turkey or Saudi Arabia?  This behaviour is typical Arab behaviour .... all of them cower in fear of Saudi Arabia and other great friends of the USA in that region lest they offend the most powerful country on Earth.
From AP:
Libya Pleads For Help In Battling Terror Groups
 Libya pleaded with the international community on Saturday to help it stand up to Islamist-allied militias that have taken control of government buildings, saying the United Nations must impose sanctions or risk a terrorist expansion throughout North Africa.
Ageila Saleh Eissa, president of the House of Representatives, addressed the annual U.N. General Assembly of world leaders after weeks of fighting among rival militias in Libya forced nearly a quarter-million people to flee their homes.
"From this podium, I say that turning a blind eye to terrorism in Libya is deemed unacceptable," Eissa said.
"The international community has either to stand with the elected, legitimate authorities and (impose sanctions) or say very clearly that the Libyans have to face terrorism alone," Eissa said. "Hence, the international community must withstand the effects of terrorism expansion in North Africa and the Sahel region."......

From DailySabah:
457 Turkish workers reported trapped amid armed clashes for the last five days at the airport of Ghat, located in Fezzan region of Southwestern Libya.
It was reported on Sunday that the workers are facing food and water shortages, and their money, passports and cellphones were seized by armed militants.
Some workers were able to communicate with their families in Turkey through text messages.....

Novorussia, Ukraine and Russia:
POWs swap between Ukraine and Novorussia separatists:

From RTNews:
Russia to fully renew nuclear forces by 2020 – official
Russia is set to renew the country’s strategic nuclear forces by 100 percent, not 70 percent as previously announced, according to Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin.

"The formation of the technical basis for strategic nuclear forces is going at a faster rate, and in fact, we will renew not 70 percent of the SNF, but 100 percent," Rogozin told Rossiya TV channel.

The deputy premier, who’s responsible for the Russian defense industry, also declared that in 2015 the army and the navy are to switch 30 percent of their weapons to "cutting edge" technology, and by 70 percent in 2020.........

Americans training killers in the Middle East and Ukraine and Russians training killers in Novorussia.  What can go wrong with that? All's well with the world.
From RIA:
Members of the Donbas volunteer battalion, created to take part in a special military operation in eastern Ukraine, will be trained by retired US instructors, the commander of the battalion, Semen Semenchenko, said Monday.
"[I] Concluded an agreement yesterday [Sunday] on the training of soldiers and officers of the Donbas battalion by mobile groups of instructors from the United States, who are currently not part of the active military personnel. They will follow the traditional training system, the training system of the United States Navy SEALs and the Delta Force. Preparations will start in 10 days," Semenchenko wrote on his Facebook page.....

The al Qaeda jihadists were aiming at a desert scorpion crawling near the embassy walls and the US State Dept knows that they meant no harm to the embassy itself.  So ... all's forgiven dear Al Qaeda, come back to mama.
From YahooNews:  
Al Qaeda-linked militants in Yemen say fire rocket toward U.S. embassy

 An al Qaeda splinter group said it launched a rocket toward the U.S. embassy in Sanaa on Saturday, wounding several guards, to retaliate for a purported U.S. drone strike in a northern province of Yemen the day before.
The U.S. State Department said it had no indication that the embassy was the target of the attack and that none of its staff were wounded.

The rocket landed 200 meters from the heavily fortified embassy, hitting members of the Yemeni special police force who guard the site. At least two were wounded, police said.
The attacker fired the rocket from a car using a M72 light anti-tank weapon before speeding away, a police source told Reuters..........

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