Friday, September 12, 2014

Warmonger PM of Canada is all set to send Canadian elite troops to die in Iraq

What a disappointment this man has turned out to be!  How he fooled so many voters into voting for him, not just once but twice!  Just like the other disgusting individual down south. 

From TorontoStar: 
Sending Canadian military advisers  to Iraq risks drawing us deeper into a chaotic war: Editorial

With Canadian military aircraft ferrying munitions into Iraq, and combat advisers soon to be on the ground in battle zones, what’s next? 
Parliament should dig into this.

Prime Minister Stephen Harper has made a risky and unsettling decision by abruptly inserting the Canadian military into the war that is raging in Iraq. He should have sought Parliament’s express consent before deciding to send combat advisers. As the United States knows only too well, Iraq is a place where hope goes to die.

Granted, Canadians are appalled by the rise of the self-styled Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, with its grisly beheadings, mass executions, torture, rape and other crimes against minorities and foreigners. Fuelled by Al Qaeda’s vicious vision of “cleansing” the Middle East of foreign influences, these Sunni jihadists have carved out a caliphate of murder that threatens the region. The chief worry is that they may become a launch pad for terror attacks far afield.

Given the threat, Canada has reason to offer robust political, financial and humanitarian support to Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi’s democratically-elected government and to Iraq’s Kurdish militia as they try to roll back the jihadists. Working with the United States, Britain and other allies our air force has been shipping military and humanitarian supplies to Iraqi forces and civilians fleeing the fighting. And Foreign Minister John Baird was in Baghdad last week pledging yet more help. Certainly, we ought to ramp up our $28 million in humanitarian aid, and $10 million in military gear.

But it hardly follows that Canadian troops must be rushed at Washington’s prodding to northern Iraq to “assist and advise” struggling Iraqi forces and Kurdish militias with tactical guidance. Even in modest numbers. As the Star’s Bruce Campion-Smith reported on Friday from the North Atlantic Treaty Organization summit in Wales, Harper accepts that “the risks are very real.” He also raised eyebrows with his observation that “our allies are going to look at further steps,” suggesting we could get more deeply involved.

This smacks of improvisation. Of course Harper was at pains to soft-pedal our mission, speaking of “several dozen” advisers and stressing that this isn’t a combat deployment. Yet soothing as that is meant to be, no role in Iraq is risk-free. Nor does it explain why Canadian forces are needed at all, given that the U.S. has 800 troops there with vastly more experience in the country......

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