Wednesday, September 24, 2014

USA and its allies from hellholes bomb "cleanly" with "precision driven" bombs ....

that have magnets within them that can find and kill only jihadis and nobody but jihadis. If you are a civilian or a kiddo, you have nothing to worry about, they won't harm you. AND, you better believe it or else!

From IntlBusinessTimes:
....Before the U.S. announced its air campaign, Raqqa had a population of about a million, which included an average of 8,000 ISIS fighters. If there was a battle going on elsewhere, that number would fall to about 4,000, Raqqawi said.

Civilians have also been preparing for the strikes. They began fleeing the city by the hundreds after Obama’s announcement Sept. 10. That number could increase to the thousands if strikes continue into Wednesday, Raqqawi said. As of Tuesday afternoon, no civilians were hurt in Raqqa......

From McClatchy:
The U.S. military and unidentified “partner nations” early Tuesday launched a bombing campaign against Islamist positions inside Syria, marking the first Western air raids on that country since a rebellion erupted there in 2011.

The attacks used a mix of fighters, bombers and Tomahawk missiles, Pentagon spokesman Navy Rear Adm. John Kirby said in a statement that was released late Monday in Washington, early Tuesday in Syria.

Syria said the United States advised it of the attacks through its ambassador to the United Nations before they took place.
Kirby did not identify the targets, but activists inside Syria said they included not only positions belonging to the Islamic State, but also bases in three provinces of its chief jihadi rival, the al Qaida-affiliated Nusra Front. U.S. officials have long worried that hitting just the Islamic State would end up empowering other entities the U.S. did not want to strengthen, including Nusra and the government of President Bashar Assad........

.......There were also reports that 10 civilians were killed when a bomb destroyed a two-story building where people displaced by the war were housed.....

........Separately, Central Command announced that it had launched four air strikes in Iraq Tuesday, hitting Islamic State targets west-southwest of the now-Kurdish-held city of Kirkuk. Those strikes brought to 190 the number of air attacks the U.S. has undertaken in Iraq since Obama first authorized them Aug. 7.....

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