Sunday, September 21, 2014

US veteran of three tours in mad-making wars wanted to impart to the Prez ....

what the voices have been telling him that the ....Atmosphere Is Collapsing .... and all that the poor man wanted to do was let the prez know of this great calamity that is about to befall on planet Earth so the prez could inform the people.

It is such a tragedy that America is addicted to making wars and sending young American soldiers to become killers who on their return go stark raving mad and become a burden not only on the state but bring a never-ending sadness and sorrow to their immediate family. 

From ZeroHedge:
Of the stories in the past two days,  there is hardly anything more bizarre than that of Omar J. Gonzalez, 42, of Copperas Cove, a veteran had served three tours in Iraq — and relatives said served as a sniper — managed to jump over the White House fence, sprinted more than 70 yards across the Northern Lawn, got to the front double doors of the North Portico, turned the brass knob and stepped inside the vestibule. "There he was grabbed and subdued by an officer standing post inside the door." He war carrying a folding knife with a serrated blade and was located just feet away from where Obama would have normally been, if only Obama had not just minutes ago taken the wife and kids for yet another weekend mini getaway..........

.........Here is where it gets bizarre: Gonzalez told a Secret Service officer that he was concerned "the atmosphere was collapsing and needed to get the information to the president of the United States so that he could get the word out to the people," the affidavit said. Perhaps he should have waited until today's New York City parade to convey his message instead of possibly spending as much as a decade behind bars.

What is stranger is that Gonzalez was neither under the influence of drugs or alcohol when the event took place: at a hearing late Saturday afternoon in D.C. Superior Court, the assistant public defender representing Gonzalez said Gonzalez had no convictions or arrest warrants, had tested negative Saturday for drug use and had been in the military for 18 years.

"This is someone who has provided service to his country and shown commitment in his life," said the lawyer, Margarita O'Donnell, as she tried unsuccessfully to get Gonzalez released.

In other words, it was just the PTSD flaring up. The good news is that the alleged sniper didn't put some of his other veteran skills to use when "approaching" the president..........

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