Monday, September 15, 2014

The SCO group is strengthening just like the BRICS

The peoples of the world outside the West  have seen how like kindergarten brats the leaders of those nations have been behaving for going on now for decades, and are taking the reins of the economy and the defense and security of their nations into their own hands and forming alliances and groups that will not include the Western brats.  Good for them!

The recent annual meeting of SCO was held in Tajikistan and the next one will be held in Russia which will coincide with a BRICS meeting at the same location.  I believe there's a queue of applicants clamoring for membership to the BRICS group and I predict within a few years this group will have more members than the NATO warmongering alliance.  NATO for war and BRICS for peace and prosperity.  N=Night and B=Bright.

Also, by next year's meeting, at least a few of  the present "observers only" mandate holders of SCO... Afghanistan, India, Iran, Mongolia, Pakistan, Belarus, Turkey and Sri Lanka might be invited to join as members of SCO.  I am predicting that Iran and India will definitely get an invite. Turkey maybe, maybe not.  It will depend if it wants EU or SCO. 

From Xinhuanet:
The 13-year-old Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO)
has grown into a dynamic platform for regional interaction and is entering a phase of broader cooperation, Russian experts said.

"If we look at the SCO as a whole, its advance is obvious," Sergei Lousianin, deputy director of Russia's Far East Institute, told Xinhua as an SCO summit is being held in Dushanbe, the Tajik capital.

The organization has been gaining influence in recent years and has attracted a number of countries to join it or lift their status within it, he said.

Atop the agenda of the summit could be issues concerning security and economic cooperation as well as the SCO's expansion, which "undoubtedly is good news for those who want to stay closer to the organization," said Sergei Kanavsky, executive secretary of the SCO Business Council.

Against the backdrop of the upcoming withdrawal of Western forces from Afghanistan, where threats of terrorism and extremism persist along with raging drug trafficking, the SCO will further enhance security cooperation, the experts said.
Yet, by no means will the organization intervene in Afghan affairs with armed forces as it is not a military-political bloc, Lousianin said.
He said he believed it was the right time to give the Tashkent-based SCO anti-terror center more power, especially that of anti-drug nature.......

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