Thursday, September 4, 2014

The Rotherham sex scandals that just won't stay under the carpet of the politically correct Britainistan

Just like in the case of   Jimmy Savile the BBC's inhouse paedophile who carried on abusing children for decades while hundreds of people inside the BBC and the hangers on knew what was going on, here's another shameful episode with far-reaching and ever widening consequences .... and of course, this has happened because Britainistan would rather take its last breath than let go of being politically correct. Hundreds more than fingered now, must have known what was going on but were afraid to say anything lest they be called "racist."  Sheesh!

Margaret Wente writing at Globe&Mail:
The unspeakable truth about Rotherham  
The reports are almost unbelievable – and certainly not for the squeamish. They describe a ring of vicious sex traffickers who preyed on adolescent girls and operated with impunity for years, as authorities deliberately ignored and even covered up the evidence.

Among the victims was Amy, a young girl who was groomed for sex by some exciting new friends she’d made in the big city. They showed her a good time and made her feel special. By the time she was 14, she had been raped and abused repeatedly by at least six adults in their late teens and early 20s. She went to the police, who ignored her. Her parents begged for help, in vain. Social workers and police treated her like a “stupid, naughty girl,” she told the Times of London.

Amy was just one of at least 1,400 girls who were groomed and raped over two decades in Rotherham, a grim postindustrial town in northern England. Most of the victims were working-class. They were typically 12 to 14 when they were lured into a life of drugs, alcohol and abuse. Nearly all the abusers were Muslim men of Pakistani origin.

Britain has had more than its share of sex scandals lately. But this one is by far the most disturbing. It has shaken the country to the core, and prompted searching questions about the role of “cultural sensitivity” in covering up the abuse. And it has raised wider issues about Muslim integration into British life.

“Men of Pakistani heritage treated white girls like toilet paper,” columnist Allison Pearson wrote in The Telegraph. But authorities tried to bury the problem because they were afraid of being labelled racist, or that it might cost them votes. Front-line workers who tried to get police and bureaucrats to act were repeatedly harassed and intimidated. One researcher who had gathered extensive evidence was told she must “never, ever” refer to the ethnicity of the abusers. Her report was suppressed, and she was sent on a diversity course........

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