Monday, September 1, 2014

The insanity of David Cameron compared to the commonsense of an Australian

While the UK leader outlines plans to seize passports of suspected terrorists before they leave for the hellholes  of  the Middle East thus keeping these dangerous individuals frolicking around in Britain, a Muslim leader in Australia comes up with an idea  that those wishing to leave be stripped of their citizenship and be given a one-way ticket to the hellhole of their choosing.  
So, which individual is better at curbing the terrorism problem? Is it the guy leading UK to nowhere or the guy in Australia with the brains sans the bulky portfolio Cameron carries at the heavy cost to taxpayers.

Does Cameron think that keeping these lunatics from leaving the country will turn them into doves of peace and tranquility? Isn't it better to strip them of their citizenship and send them with a farewell one-way ticket plus a wad of cash?   

From BBC:
David Cameron outlines new anti-terror measures to MPs  
New powers are needed to seize terrorist suspects' passports and stop British-born extremists from returning to the UK, David Cameron has said.
It was "abhorrent" British citizens had "declared their allegiance" to groups like Islamic State, he told MPs.

He said the inability to stop UK terrorists returning home from overseas was "a gap in the armoury" but only pledged cross-party talks on the issue.
Powers to monitor suspects in the UK will also be strengthened.
In a statement to Parliament, Mr Cameron restated the UK's backing for US airstrikes against Islamic State militants in Iraq and said he would not rule out participation in similar action in the future.

The UK's terror threat level was raised to "severe" from "substantial" on Friday.............

From DailyTelegraph:
Muslim leader Dr Jamal Rifi  offers to pay Islamic radicals to leave nation
HIGH-PROFILE Muslim leader Dr Jamal Rifi says he will happily buy “a one-way ticket” for any Islamic radicals wanting to leave Australia.

Dr Rifi said the Muslim community in Sydney was deeply offended by comments made by Wissam Haddad, the manager of Al-Risalah Islamic Centre in Bankstown, who said he and his followers would “give up their passports” if they could leave without “being incriminated”.

Mr Haddad made the statement following Prime Minister Tony Abbott ­announcing a $64 million counter-terrorism package. “I’ll buy them a one-way ­ticket out of Australia never to come back,” the Belmore-based Dr Rifi said.

“Let them give away their citizenship. These people are saying they want to go and ­relieve the oppressed Muslims overseas.............

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