Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Message is getting louder

Yet another Province goes to the Libs .... in a majority win.  Like I have been saying, Stephen Harper is going to put a lot of good upstanding Conservative MPs out to pasture through no fault of their own ... come the next federal election.  Sad, but that's how things get to be for the pack when the leader turns rotten.

From ChronicleHerald:
Liberals win majority in New Brunswick election  
Amid a bizarre vote-counting snafu, rookie politician Brian Gallant led his Liberal party to a majority election victory in New Brunswick, as voters rejected the Progressive Conservatives’ bid to jump-start a moribund economy by expanding its shale gas industry.

“After a long night, it is with a great deal of humility that I accept the responsibility of being the premier of our beautiful province,” Liberal Leader Brian Gallant told supporters inside a gymnasium in Grande-Digue, N.B., early Tuesday.

“I feel so humble and grateful to have earned your trust.”

With most of the polls reporting after a tight battle that went well into the night, the tabulation of ballots was suspended Monday around 10:45 p.m. for almost two hours as concerns arose about technical glitches with memory cards and discrepancies with vote-counting machines.......

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