Thursday, September 18, 2014

Living in a cocoon of denial is letting yourself become completely vulnerable

When people like moi talked from way back a decade ago about how the 
United Kingdom,  
and a long list of other Western countries were going to the dogs even the most intelligent in my circle of friends smirked in derision and did their best to change the topic.

When I raised doubts about those big fires in Australia and how the media was not covering those the right and proper way, my own family members called me paranoid of the worst kind possible. When I started this blog, one of the main purposes was to expose the exploding Muslim immigration issue and showed how jihadi Muslims were illegally entering via the Mexico corridor,my views were belittled.  I have even gone out on a limb and voiced my suspicions about the   Colorado forest fires which seem to get worse and worse every year.

I say all the above  because no matter how mad and stupid some people sound, it's always worth it to at least give them a listen now and then, instead of  dismissing such people as raving lunatics and anti-Muslim. I have given up trying to explain that I am not anti-Muslim but I am totally against mass Muslim immigration, I am totally against their book and I am totally against Muslims putting their asses up in the air in public places ... and no matter how anybody coats it, it's their book that gives rise to radicalism. PERIOD. Having said all this, I am now glad to see that many, many people are waking up to the threat of jihad in the USA and Canada and I hope it's not all too late for us.

First few paras below from MichelleMalkin at her blog:
The spread of Rocky Mountain jihad  
Something’s fouling Colorado’s crisp air — and I’m not talking about the pot smoke.

In my adopted home state, the toxic fumes of Islamic jihad have penetrated the most unlikely hamlets and hinterlands. Obama administration officials are vehemently denying plots by ISIS operatives to cross our borders. But the lesson here is clear: Thanks to laptop recruitment, reckless visa policies and homegrown treachery, the U.S.-based jihad export-import business is and has been thriving.

Last week, 19-year-old Shannon Conley of Arvada (a Denver suburb once known as the “Celery Capital of the World”) pleaded guilty to one count of conspiracy to provide material support to a designated foreign terrorist organization. Conley, a militant Muslim convert, plotted to aid al-Qaida and its affiliates. According to the federal criminal complaint filed in April, she planned to use her military training with the U.S. Army Explorers “to go overseas to wage jihad” and “to train Islamic jihadi fighters in U.S. military tactics.” A certified nurse’s aide, she also told investigators she would use her medical training to aid jihadi fighters.

Over the Internet, Conley met an ISIS-affiliated Tunisian Muslim based in Syria. She was headed there on April 8 when the feds arrested her at Denver International Airport. Her luggage contained jihad propaganda, materials on administering first aid on the battlefield, and CDs and DVDs bearing the name of Anwar al-Awlaki, the Colorado-educated jihadi counselor to the 9/11 hijackers and Fort Hood gunman Nidal Hasan.....

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