Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Is College Education of any use without commonsense and a smidgen of knowledge of current events around our globe?

Watch the vid and then read the story below of the Wal-Mart spokesman who was forced to resign because he had not made the required grades to graduate with a college degree. The madness is mindblowing!  
The guy in the vid is very tricky, but then this incident will teach the students to not put down their names and signatures to any stupid document here, there and everywhere.

From Yahoo via Katie Little writing at CNBC:
Wal-Mart spokesman resigns after résumé discovery 
David Tovar, Wal-Mart's (WMT) vice president of corporate communications, is leaving the retail giant after a background check revealed he hadn't finished his college degree.
In a phone interview, Tovar told CNBC the résumé error was discovered while he was undergoing an assessment as part of the process of being promoted to senior vice president. He had been with the retail giant for eight years after working at Altria (MO) earlier.
"As part of that process I was going through additional leadership assessment, including a battery of tests including questions about leadership, drug tests, background checks," he said. "In the background check my education was flagged-it was done by a third party company. They asked me about it, and I was 100 percent transparent."
Following four years at the University of Delaware, Tovar said, he walked in the school's graduation ceremony, moved to New York and landed a job. Several months later, he said, he learned he was a few credits short of earning his degree following a mix-up.
"I got a job and never looked back. I really didn't think an art degree would matter in communications, which was the field I went into," he said............

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