Wednesday, September 24, 2014

French citizen kidnapped by jihadis, beheaded

So many ordinary citizens are paying the price for the folly of their leaders.  It all started because the swollen heads of the Western leaders came up with a brainwave of an idea to change regimes in the Middle East and replace the "dictators" there with other dictators who would have their stamp of approval.  The hatred that the Muslims, both Sunni and Shiite  now have for anything Western has blown up to a very, very, very dangerous level.  There's never a going back to normalcy from this. 

From CBC:
Hervé Gourdel, French hostage, beheaded by ISIS allies
Gourdel was a 55-year-old mountaineering guide seized in northern Algeria
Algerian extremists allied with the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria group have decapitated a French hostage after France carried out airstrikes in Iraq, according to a video that appeared online Wednesday.
French President Francois Hollande condemned the killing of Herve Gourdel and said France would continue its fight against ISIS group, which are Sunni militants that have taken over large swaths of Iraq and Syria..........

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