Saturday, September 13, 2014

First an American, then an American-Israeli, now a Brit .... who's next?

Are there any Canadians, French, Germans, Australians missing in Muslim lands and probably held captive by these monsters?   Chances are the next one will be the one the jihadis have paraded after the latest beheading. These idiots are so stupid that they just don't get it that Saudis, Qataris, Emeratis and Turks should also be beheaded for our viewing horror as their countries too have, as the killer states about the UK  "evil alliance with America."  The leaders of those countries are also "obedient lapdogs" of America as he further accuses Cameron of being.  Hypocrisy rules .... even with the jihadi scum.  They kill the white guys because their countries are allied with the USA but partnering with the brown guys although their countries are also America's "obedient lapdogs" is hunky-dory.  Hypocrites here, there, everywhere!

From TheTelegraphUK
British hostage David Haines beheaded by Islamic State terrorists
Prime Minister David Cameron describes murder of British aid worker David Haines by Isil as 'an act of pure evil', as Foreign Office works urgently to verify video released by extremists.

.......Mr Haines, 44, was kidnapped last year as he delivered humanitarian aid in Syria.
His whereabouts were only revealed this month when he was shown kneeling in the sand, wearing an orange jumpsuit, in a video produced by jihadists of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (Isil) which also showed the murder of Steven Sotloff, an American journalist........

.....A man believed to be Mr Haines then looks into the camera and says: "My name is Daivd Cawthorne Haines. I would like to declare that I hold you David Cameron entirely responsible for my execution.
"You entered voluntarily into a coalition with the United States against the Islamic State just as your predecessor Tony Blair did, following a trend against our British prime ministers who can't find the courage to say no to the Americans.
"Unfortunately it is we the British public that in the end will pay the price for our Parliament's selfish decisions."....................

From TheGuardianUK:
....The killer, swathed in black,  then makes a statement in which he makes a direct reference to the British government’s aid to Kurdish fighters

He says: “This British man has to pay the price for your promise, Cameron, to arm the Peshmerga against the Islamic State. Ironically, he has spent a decade of his life serving under the same Royal Air Force that is responsible for delivering those arms.

“Your evil alliance with America which continues to strike the Muslims of Iraq and most recently bombed the Haditha Dam will only accelerate your destruction. And playing the role of the obedient lapdog, Cameron, will only drag you and your people into another bloody and unwinnable war.”

At the end of the latest video, another hostage – apparently British – is paraded.......

From TelegraphUK:
"David Haines was my brother"  
The brother of David Haines, the British aid worker murdered by jihadi extremists, issues a heartfelt tribute, describing an ordinary bloke who found satisfaction in helping others.......

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