Monday, September 22, 2014

Erdogan's terrorist army has started offensive against ..... Kurds

Yes .... you read that right.  Not against ISIS/ISIL/IS/xyz but against the very people who are fighting the terrorist jihadi army.  A few  reports are seeping out via tweets from Kurds that the Turkish soldiers have started firing rubber and real bullets and tear gas into the refugee crowds and are burning their cars. The action from the blasted Turkish govt is being taken against those 100K+ mainly Syrian Kurds who fled into Turkey in the last 48 hours when the terrorist army overwhelmed the Kurdish fighters.

Below is just one example from the BBC of  the confusing way our MSM will be reporting on this issue but the tweets give a clearer picture. Whatever it is the bastards are using in the tear gas is burning people's skin or people are being burnt while the soldiers are burning their vehicles.  See the pic of the girl on her father's back.

God, how I hate all world leaders!

From BBC:
Turkey troops use tear gas   to clear Syria border Kurds  Turkish security forces have fired water cannon and tear gas at crowds which had gathered in support of Syrian Kurdish refugees on the border.

Police said they wanted to stop Kurdish fighters entering Syria, the Associated Press reported, while local TV said Kurds had been trying to deliver aid.

It comes after some 66,000 refugees poured into Turkey in 24 hours.

Turkey opened its border on Friday to Syrians fleeing the town of Kobane in fear of an Islamic State attack......

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