Sunday, September 7, 2014

Afghanistan and the great project of "nation building" at cost to taxpayers

How strange isn't it, that billions of dollars are spent on ungrateful Muslims abroad while Americans in poor areas of the USA are neglected?  Just look at Detroit, look at the slums of Illinois, look at Buffalo, look at any of the thousands of areas with a concentration of the poor communities all over the United States of America.  How disgusting to parade around the world in outward silken finery when your underwear is stinking worse than a barrel of rotting fish.

The thing to remember while reading what's below, is that chances are Americans along with Afghans are in cahoots with the disappearance of  the money.  Wars make millionaires and billionaires of the unsavory and the unsavory are found in every nook and corner of the world.

James Arkin wrting at PublicIntegrity:
Afghan government can’t account for billions of dollars in Pentagon aid  
Military officials did not hold Afghanistan accountable for mismanaging the disbursement of funds to the army and police

Billions of dollars in direct U.S. aid to the Afghan army and police have been poorly tracked, leaving no way to verify if the money was spent as intended, according to a new report from the Pentagon’s internal watchdog.

The Department of Defense provided $3.3 billion in such aid between October 2010 and October 2013, yet Afghanistan’s government “lacked basic controls to provide reasonable assurance that it appropriately spent” the money, according to a report released last week by the Pentaton’s assistant inspector general for financial management and reporting, Lorin T. Venable. 

Not only that, but the U.S. agency responsible for supporting Afghan’s security forces, known as the Combined Security Transition Command-Afghanistan, hasn’t penalized the local government for poor oversight or improper handling of the funds, the report complained.

Because of the continuing lack of accountability, $13 billion that the Defense Department plans to provide Afghan security forces between fiscal years 2015 and 2019 “may be subject to wasteful spending and abuse,” it warned.........

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