Wednesday, September 10, 2014

2100 unclassified photos which will prove the brutality and insanity of American soldiers

You can safely bet that these will never  be shown to the public.  If the outcry to release them becomes too loud, only a few tame ones will be released and a bunch of doctored ones.  Americans will never want the perception in which they hold their brave and saintly soldiers to be shattered by even an inch and hence they will be quite satisfied with the tame and doctored ones.  Once you drape  that wool over your eyes, you tend to like the feel of it.

Jason Leopold writing at VICE:
Up to 2,100 Photos of US Soldiers Abusing Prisoners May Soon Be Released
Would the release of 10-year-old detainee abuse photographs, such as one depicting US soldiers pointing a broom handle at a hooded detainee's rectum, incite terrorist organizations and threaten national security?

That's a question government attorneys will have to answer next week when they explain to a federal court judge why as many as 2,100 unclassified photos of US soldiers abusing Iraqi and Afghan captives should continue to be concealed from the public.

The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) case, which resurfaced last week, is part of the American Civil Liberties Union's (ACLU) long-running lawsuit against the US government to obtain documents about the treatment of detainees in custody of the CIA and military.

Last week, US District Court Judge Alvin Hellerstein scheduled a hearing on the matter for September 8 and said he would allow the government to submit additional evidence to justify the withholding of the pictures before he renders a decision. But he also signaled that he may ultimately order the Department of Defense to release the abuse photographs, stating in a 21-page ruling that the government did not submit evidence to back up its 2012 claims that releasing the photographs would endanger national security and the lives of US military personnel.......

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