Friday, August 8, 2014

Yet another genocide in less than a month ....

first the Palestinians in Gaza and now the Yazidi in Iraq.  What's going on with the world?  Why have so many people become so blood-thirsty?

At long last the USA has authorized air strikes and humanitarian aid to the people of the country the USA, in the first place, broke into a million pieces.  Perhaps, the USA  was expecting Iran to do the needful and go to Iraq's aid, but Iran must have thought that it was best not to interfere lest the trouble extend to their borders too.

Let's hope the mission to eliminate the wahhabi jihadists will be successful.  If Al Baghdadi is killed during the mission, then the rumours about him being an asset of CIA/Mossad/MI6  might be put to rest.

Some bits of information seeping out seems to suggest that more than a 1000 people have been killed in the most horrendous way .... even small kids cut to pieces, while the mountains, hundreds had fled to, are littered with bodies of kids and the elderly who died of thirst and starvation.  I wonder how many Christians, Shiites and Kurds too, have met a horrible fate in the last few hours, but the attention right now is on the Yazidis because their number is greater and they are more at risk.

From Time:
Obama Authorizes Air Strikes, Humanitarian Aid in Iraq
President Barack Obama said Thursday that he has authorized U.S. air strikes against militants in Iraq to prevent them from moving on the Kurdish city of Erbil and to protect tens of thousands of refugees in northern Iraq. Obama said American forces had also airdropped food and water to the refugees under siege by the militant group Islamic State of Iraq and Greater Syria (ISIS).

From Guardian:
Reports that Islamic militants have trapped up to 40,000 members of Iraq’s minority communities have spurred the US into considering a military-led humanitarian action.

Most of the trapped people are members of the Yazidi religion, one of Iraq’s oldest minorities. They were forced to flee to Mount Sinjar in the Iraqi north-west region, or face slaughter by an encircling group of Islamic State (Isis) jihadists. The UN has said that roughly 40,000 people – many women and children – have taken refuge in nine locations on the mountain, “a craggy, mile-high ridge identified in local legend as the final resting place of Noah’s ark”.

Gruesome images of brutally slain people have emerged in the past week, as local officials say that at least 500 Yazidis, including 40 children, have been killed, and many more have been threatened with death. Roughly 130,000 residents of the Yazidi stronghold of Sinjar have fled to Dohuk, in Iraqi Kurdistan to the north, or to Irbil........

From NYTimes:
Jihadists Rout Kurds in North and Seize Strategic Iraqi Dam
The crisis gripping Iraq escalated rapidly on Thursday with a re-energized Islamic State in Iraq and Syria storming new towns in the north and seizing a strategic dam as Iraq’s most formidable military force, the Kurdish pesh merga, was routed in the face of the onslaught..........
.....In one captured town, Sinjar, ISIS executed dozens of Yazidi men, and kept the dead men’s wives for unmarried jihadi fighters. Panic on Thursday spread even to the Kurdish capital of Erbil, long considered a safe haven, with civilians flooding the airport in a futile attempt to buy tickets to Baghdad......

From Yahoo
 Turkey gives sanctuary to hundreds of Yazidis fleeing Iraq
 Up to 800 people from Iraq's Yazidi community have fled across the border to Turkey after escaping a lightning offensive by jihadists from the Islamic State (IS) group, Turkish officials said on Thursday.....

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