Tuesday, August 5, 2014

What utter misery brought down on Ukrainians and all because Western leaders think they have become gods

In a sane and just world, all leaders of nations who were responsible for the coup and regime change in the Ukraine would be thrown in prison and the keys dropped in the deepest part of the ocean.

What a totally unnecessary war! 
Starving and weapon-less soldiers from the Ukrainian army are running away across the border into Russian territory.
The Ukrainian govt has started a mobilization wave in several areas of the Ukraine and people are protesting against it.  A couple of days ago, I had seen a vid of  mothers, wives and grandmothers burning the mobilization papers sent to their menfolk  and stating firmly that they will not let their men  go to war. The second vid below is yet another vid from yet another town protesting the mobilization to war.

From RT:
The command in Kiev has blatantly abandoned a group of more than 400 soldiers encircled by the self-defense forces, the senior Ukrainian officer who requested sanctuary in Russia with his men has revealed.

Lack of ammunition, food, fuel and clear orders from the command on how to act in the condition of encirclement has made the Ukrainian troops cross the border, Major Vitaly Dubinyak, a battalion commander, told Itar-Tass news agency. 

“For two weeks, we were fighting back without ammunition and fuel. I didn’t have the opportunity to feed my men for almost two weeks. We even ran out of first strike ration. The personnel were more exhausted by despair than by the actual shelling,” Dubinyak said. 

“Other than giving us a command to ‘hold on,’ Kiev provided us with no other assistance. And during the last week, they’ve aborted all communication. They’ve simply given up on us,” he added. 
A total of 438 soldiers, including 164 Ukrainian border guards, were allowed into Russia on Sunday night. 
The troops have been housed in a tent camp deployed near the checkpoint via which they entered Russian territory.
“In order to save the people, the commanders of units have made a decision to cross the border with Russia. All the equipment and weaponry had to be left on the Ukrainian side. The main thing was to save the people,” the commander stressed.
‘This civil war must be stopped’
Dubinyak said that he was surprised by “almost brotherly” treatment his men had received from Russian colleagues. 
“Those, who give order to us are lying that we are in war with Russia. None of the Russian’s even gave a wry look. They understand that we are hostages in this troubled situation,” he said........

From Slavyangrad:
Down With Mobilization!  A Protest in the Village of Voloka

Reporter: A third mobilization wave has started: in Ukraine officers, sergeants in reserve and private soldiers who have military experience are called up on a mass scale for a military service. Currently tens of call-up papers have reached every village and city. Besides men, women doctors are called up as well. Fifty call-up papers came to Voloka village (Glybotsky region), that made the citizens highly indignant. Mothers and wives tear-stained, husbands and sons angered gathered together in order to find a solution. They said they never wanted war, so they will not let their sons to fight.

Protestor: We don’t want war, we want peace. There is no need for our men to go fighting. For what? We want peace.

Protestor: We didn’t raise our children for war, we stand only for peace.

Protestor: Not at any price we will let take our children. We will stand up for them now.

Protestor: Mister Yatsenyuk bawled: “Put a bullet through a head!” – so let him go, why not?! … Instead he wears a white-collar shirt and a tie.

Protestor: We did not want war. Let those, who were protesting at Maidan, go to fight. We did not seek for war. We all are one village, one big family, and we will let take neither my husband nor other’s ones, neither sons nor fathers for war......

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