Saturday, August 9, 2014

USA drops a couple of 500-pound bombs on Saudi Arabia's wahhabism inspired ISIS/ISIL/IS/xyz

How much more  paradoxical can our world get!   First and above all, it is the USA along with Israel, Saudi Arabia and other minor actors, who are responsible for training, arming and funding jihadists to start a civil war in Syria in order to oust Assad so they could replace him with one of their very own puppets.  That devious plan didn't work out the way the Axis of Evil had hoped it would.  And, then to make matters much worse, the axis realized that the big guy in Iraq, who was originally their pet puppet,  was disobeying many of their commands in relation to issues Syria.  So, yet another plot was hatched.  Let's send a big battalion from the jihadi squads in Syria into Iraq to make trouble for the Iraqi big guy to show him who's still the boss.  Onward marches the jihadi gangs into Iraq at exactly the ingress points where a couple of  Iraqi military bases are fully in the control of the axis, and the Iraqi soldiers at those bases instead of fighting the not so very well-equipped jihadi forces, at that point in time anyway,  run away without much ado.  What they leave behind, so very conveniently for the jihadi forces, are piles upon piles of grade A1+ USA-made weaponry.  Are you getting the picture yet?   

Until a few days ago, all was going pretty well to bring the Iraqi puppet in line with the thought processes of the axis but then the wahhabi monsters spoil it all by attacking Kurdish areas. They were not suppose to attack Kurds or the ethnic Yazidis living in Kurdish areas, because Kurds are in favor with the axis. But, hey ... who has ever claimed that the wahhabi jihadists have even 2 cents of brain power within their skulls, eh? The axis didn't raise a peep when the Christians got slaughtered, raped, taken as slaves and their churches destroyed ... but when they encroached on the Kurdish areas, the axis panicked.

I will tell you right here and now.  The USA fighter jets MUST have been given orders to destroy only a few of the tanks,etc and not to kill too many of the jihadis.  The axis want the jihadis in Iraq to continue doing what they have been doing but on a more sustained and less alarming basis. Wait and see. The world is indeed just a stage.  The main actors for now remain the Axis of Evil.  

The Axis have not given much thought to: When you have a tiger by its tail, you just can't tell what that tiger will do when you let go or you are forced to let go of the tail. 

From: NBC:
The United States launched another round of airstrikes against ISIS in Iraq Friday, using drones and a fighter jets to attack a mortar position and vehicle convoy near Erbil, the Pentagon said. The strikes came a day after they were threatened by President Barack Obama.

A drone struck a mortar position twice at around 10 a.m. ET, killing ISIS fighters who returned to the site after the first attack, Rear Admiral John Kirby said in a statement. About an hour later, four F-18 fighter jets dropped a total of eight laser-guided bombs on a convoy of seven vehicles and a mortar position, destroying both.

Earlier Friday, two 500-pound bombs were dropped by two Navy F-18 fighter jets at a target also near Erbil, the strategically important city that serves as the Kurdish capital, and where the United States has a consulate. ISIS was using the artillery to shell Kurdish forces defending Erbil, the Pentagon said.

The fighter jets took off from the aircraft carrier USS George H.W. Bush, in the Persian Gulf. After the first strike, the warplanes returned a short time later to hit the target a second time. The mission marked a return to U.S. military engagement in Iraq, three years after Obama removed U.S. forces.....

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