Monday, August 11, 2014

The Ukrainian govt. is feeding powerful drugs to its soldiers?

If true, then it's no wonder they thought they were shooting at Putin's plane when they brought down the MH17 or perhaps even the Ukrainian jets, which were spotted shadowing the Malaysian plane, were piloted by air-force guys heavily under the influence of same powerful "powders." 
The interview below is between a Russian official and one of the hundreds of Ukrainian soldiers who took refuge in Russia running away from the separatists.
From each and every account I read, both from the Russian media and the Ukrainian media, the more convinced I become that the Ukrainian govt itself is snorting away at "powerful powders" ... how else can one explain the many lunatic actions from the nutcases there, more so the recent decision of the Ukrainian govt. to halt the flow of gas from Russia into Ukraine ... that same gas that goes to the rest of Europe whose benevolence is keeping the mad Ukrainians from going to the depths of one of those impoverished African nations?

UPDATE August 13:  Wouldn't you know it?!  YouTube has removed the video.  Truth is far more frightening  than the propaganda fed to us isn't it?
The vid was in Russian or Ukrainian with English subs.
If I can trust my memory, here's the gist of what the Ukrainian soldier tells the Russian officer:  He relates how they were short on food and other supplies and their officers didn't give a damn.  One day a truck came to their outpost out in the nowhere in the separatist areas and  offloaded several packages.  The packages were given to the officers and the officers distributed "white powder" and told the soldiers they had to inhale it.  Some didn't want to and they were beaten. After this constant feed the soldiers didn't feel anything, most of the time they were wobbling around but they couldn't sleep at all.  Some committed suicide.  When the Russian guy asks for specifics, the Ukrainian soldier says he knows of two guys,  one hanged himself and the other cut his wrists.

Most of the young men in this soldier's group were guys who were conscripted.  He says he wasn't even able to tell his mother as she had fled the region (I didn't quite get that, probably the translation was a bit wonky.)  He says that the soldiers have not been allowed to contact their families.  Their cellphones were taken away and if anybody was found with a hidden one, he was beaten and the cellphone was nailed to a tree.  The young men have tried writing to their families and the letters are presumably taken away for mailing but the soldier thinks the officers just throw them out.

There was more, but the above is most of what I remembered from the viewing.  I had got the vid from this poster:

maybe a lot of it is propaganda, but it's up to us to figure that out and not for YouTube to save ourselves from ourselves.

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