Saturday, August 30, 2014

The mystery of M14, M16 rifles and military Humvees disappearing from US police agencies

Oh where oh where could  those rifles have gone?
Oh where oh where could they be?
Oh where oh where are those gleaming humvees?
Oh where oh where could they be?

Watch how within a few days the powers-that-be will say that the missing items was just a matter of an "audit error"  ..... wanna bet?

Annabelle Bamforth writing at BenSwann:
Police Departments Losing Humvees And Military Weapons   
A Fusion investigation of the Pentagon’s “1033 Program” has uncovered a disturbing pattern of misplaced military-issued weaponry within local and state police agencies.

Program 1033 is formerly known as Program 1208; when Congress enacted the National Defense Authorization Act in 1990, section 1208 authorized the Secretary of Defense to transfer “to Federal and State agencies personal property of the Department of Defense, including small arms and ammunition”. In 1996, Section 1208 was replaced by Section 1033.

A Pentagon spokeswoman told Fusion that “Congress’ intent with the program is to enhance public safety and improve homeland security by leveraging taxpayer investments in defense technology and equipment.”

Fusion’s investigation discovered that 184 state and local police agencies have been suspended from Program 1033 because the agencies have lost track of the weapons they were given. The media outlet found that there is an outstanding pattern of missing M14 and M16 rifles throughout the United States. Missing pistols, shotguns and Humvees were also noted.

States including Mississippi, California, Georgia, Arizona and Arkansas have been found to be missing various weapons allocated by the program.

The Pentagon clarified that no police agencies were suspended from Program 1033 because of their usage of the weapons.

Equipment transferred from the military to state and local police departments is overseen by a state agency- the department of public safety, for example. A state coordinator, appointed by a governor, is responsible for watching over equipment inventory and ensuring cooperation with federal guidelines.

According to Fusion, “The decentralized structure of the program makes it difficult — even for the Pentagon — to keep tabs on the standing of participating police departments, or the weapons they’ve been issued. Officials at the Pentagon’s Defense Logistics Agency (DLA), which runs the equipment-transfer program, were unable to provide specifics about why various police departments were suspended. And many state coordinators refused to speak to Fusion, or claimed they didn’t have the information requested.”

Willingness to speak about the suspensions varied between different police departments and state coordinators. The state coordinator in California claimed he was “not authorized” to speak about the agency. .....

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