Tuesday, August 5, 2014

The ISIS/ISIL/IS/xyz wahhabi jihadist army take women of Tal Afar to sell as slaves after killing their men ...

this is now our cruel new world, folks.  Remember to say a silent "Thank You" to the nations that have made this possible.  The nations of the USA, Israel, UK, Canada, Australia and most of the EU .... by training, arming and funding the jihadists.

When I first read the news, I thought it was just propaganda from Iraq as the Iraqi govt. is desperately looking for foreign help to take on the jihadists.  But on looking further into it,  the terrible events  in Tal Afar as stated by the Iraqi site must  indeed be true as the Luxembourg mission which is a member of UN security council (see second link) has come out with a statement on ISIS crimes in Tal Afar without actually going into the details.  I fail to see how just issuing statements can help these poor ethnic folks in Iraq.  Unbelievable things are happening to these people and all because they were born in the wrong country and are too poor and illiterate to find the means to get themselves out of those hellholes.

From IraqiNews:
Red Crescent claims ISIL detained more than 100 Christian, Yahzidi families at Tal Afar airport, killed all the men, herded women to unknown place to sell them as slaves
The Iraqi Red Crescent Society revealed, on Monday, that the organization of the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant had transferred Christian and Yahzidi women to an unknown place after they detained them and their families at Tal Afar airport to sell them as “slaves.”

The Assistant Secretary-General of the association, Mohammed Alkhozai said, in an interview for IraqiNews.com, that “elements of ISIL detained more than 100 families at the Tal Afar airport; killing all the men, while they kept the women and children.”
Alkhozai indicated that “the elements of ISIL herded Yahzidi and Christian women to an unknown place with the aim of selling them as slaves of an enemy.”
He described that “it is a crime against humanity and human rights,” noting that “The Red Crescent condemns this crime against civilians and it must be stopped.”
He declared that “we are a humanitarian organization. We condemn such crimes against humanity and we call for the international community to intervene. Also, we call for humanitarian organizations to intervene forcefully to stop these crimes.”

The members of the Security Council condemn the attacks on Sinjar and Tal Afar in Iraq’s Ninewa province by the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) and express their deep concern about the hundreds of thousands of Iraqis – many of them from vulnerable minority communities, especially Yezidis – displaced by ISIL’s attacks and in urgent need of humanitarian assistance.  The members of the Security Council note that these minority communities have lived for hundreds of years in Sinjar and elsewhere in Ninewa Province.  Many of these Iraqis have been displaced or forced to flee and seek refuge, while many others have been executed and kidnapped.

The members of the Security Council condemn in the strongest terms the systematic persecution of individuals from minority populations, including Christians, and those who refuse the extremist ideology of ISIL and associated armed groups.  The members of the Security Council call upon all of Iraq’s communities to unite to respond, with the support of the international community, to this violent and senseless threat to Iraq’s unity, identity and future. 

The members of the Security Council note that the large-scale offensive carried out by ISIL in Iraq and Syria has a trans-border nature and affirm that ISIL poses a threat not only to these countries but to regional peace, security, and stability.......

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