Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Racist Israelis dead set against mix marriages between Muslims and Jews

Yup ... the same people who howl like wolves about anti-Semitism are themselves racist to the core.  IMO, it would be wrong to not expose or criticize such vile, racist behaviour ....irrelevant of where it comes from.... Jewish, Muslim, Christians or from Martians. We are in the 21st century you stupid bigots. If the Jewish girl has her regrets later because the Muslim man turns out to be the typical Muslim male, so be it ... but it's not anybody's business to spoil their special day.

From Yahoo:
Jewish-Muslim wedding brings out bitter Israel tensions

Mahmud and Morel never imagined that on the happiest day of their lives, they would walk down the aisle to racist chants by extremists opposed to the marriage of a Muslim and a Jew.

Their Sunday night wedding near Tel Aviv was marred by the bitter shouting of several hundred young protesters who joined a rally called for by Lehava, an extremist rightwing Israeli group that fights against intermarriage.

Dressed in T-shirts bearing racist slogans and whipped up by weeks of war in Gaza, the demonstrators played cat and mouse with around 100 policemen trying to stop them from insulting and abusing the happy couple and their guests.

Supporters of the young couple handed out flowers and waved signs reading: "Love conquers all" and "Jew and Muslims refuse to be enemies."

"Death to Arabs!" yelled back the protesters who waved giant Israeli flags.

The ugly confrontation made headlines and was carried live on national television in microcosm of the tensions which have been tearing at the seams of Israeli society, particularly over the past two months..........

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