Thursday, August 7, 2014

Pope Francis recovering from severe case of laryngitis ....

the poor man.  However, his doctor, residing up there in the clouds somewhere has recommended complete bed rest and henceforth a total silence fearing a relapse.

And, oh... he did manage to croak out something about Catholics continuing to fire those lethal bullets made from Hail Marys and Our Fathers at those murderous wahhabi jihadists. 

Cindy Wooden writing at CatholicHerald:
Pope Francis asked Catholics around the world to pray for tens of thousands of Christians from villages in north-east Iraq who were forced from their homes in the middle of the night by Islamic State militants.

The Pope also made a “pressing appeal to the international community to take initiatives to put an end to the humanitarian drama underway, to take steps to protect those involved and threatened by violence and to ensure the necessary aid for so many displaced people whose fate depends on the solidarity of others,” the Vatican spokesman said earlier today.

Jesuit Father Federico Lombardi, the spokesman, told reporters the Pope was appealing “to the conscience of all people and every believer,” repeating what he had said on July 20 after a similar forced exodus of Christians from Mosul: “May the God of peace create in all an authentic desire for dialogue and reconciliation. Violence is not conquered with violence. Violence is conquered with peace. Let us pray in silence, asking for peace.”.....

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