Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Pentagon is in process of stashing tonnes of weaponry in Norway's caves .... in readiness for WW3?

Isn't that just great!   And, who still thinks WW3 is not at our doorstep?   All such moves, which are happening right now in the EU countries while we are focused on the Middle East, will be pooh poohed away as the normal kind of thing the USA has been doing according to some agreements with EU countries and NATO blah, blah, blah.  Don't you believe it ... not for a nanosecond!

Dan Lamothe writing at WashingtonPost:
In the heart of Norway’s countryside,  the U.S. military is bolstering its arsenal of weapons with tanks, gun trucks and other armored vehicles along with hundreds of containers of equipment.

The Marine Corps is overseeing the effort, which expands the existing Marine Corps Prepositioning Program. It stashes weapons, vehicle and armor in several locations across the world, including Norway, which first signed an agreement with the United States to do so in 1981, Marine officials said.

The equipment is kept in climate-controlled caves in central Norway, giving the Marines equipment that is closer than the East Coast to use in Europe, Africa and the Middle East. Much of what stored in the caves was pulled out and sent to the Middle East ahead of the March 2003 invasion of Iraq.

It also bolsters the amount of military equipment in Norway as tensions with nearby Russia remain high. Russian President Vladimir Putin said Monday that he may send a military convoy to eastern Ukraine on a humanitarian mission, something Western officials see as a potential pretext for a Russian invasion....

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