Sunday, August 31, 2014

NATO members will spend millions on their paid holiday-aka-NATO summit in Wales

Plenty of anti-NATO and anti-war marches are happening in Wales and in other countries.  More and more people are coming to the grim realization that this organization, just like the UN, has had its heyday but now it's time for both to fade out and die.

From WalesOnLine:
A senior officer said there's no indication  that the Welsh Government or No.10 Downing Street will cover Newport council's costs

A cash-strapped council says it should not have to pick up the bill to accommodate anti-Nato Summit protestors.

Newport council has been pushing to get its side of the bill covered by No.10 Downing Street or the Welsh Government, but a senior officer said no indication has been given that this will happen.

No. 10, which is leading the event, says it will cover security – but one protestor said millions was being spent on policing but not on protecting civil rights.

Newport council, like every other local authority in Wales, is facing the prospect of multi-million pound cuts – it expects to have to save £13m next year.
From this week onwards protestors are expected to arrive in the city for a peace camp at Tredegar Park, as well as demonstrations on August 30 and September 4.
Senior Newport council official Sheila Davies, strategic director of place, said the authority is logging all of its costs – right down to road signs for diversions and extra time staff have spent on preparations.

“We are pressing home the fact that we need some commitment from No 10 Downing Street, or the Welsh Government, that they will reimburse any costs that might be incurred regarding peace demonstrations,” Ms Davies said.
“We haven’t had any indication that they will offer any contribution towards it.”

Costs for the council could come in the form of paying for a clean-up after the anti-Nato demos or if there is any damage to buildings – although the authority has said there’s nothing to suggest there will be any disorder.

If a peace camp does go ahead as planned at Tredegar Park this week, the authority could also have to pay out for toilets and for water...........

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