Monday, August 11, 2014

It's all about regime change in Iraq.... which goes to prove the USA will never ever learn from past mistakes

Read the following and you will understand why the wahhibi jihadist monsters were helped by the USA and her allies in gaining access so very easily to Iraqi military depots and arming themselves with an abundance of top notch weaponry, all courtesy of the USA.  Anybody, with even a couple of brain cells, must have wondered how such a long convoy of  toyota jeeps could enter Iraq from Syria without the hundreds of USA satellites with their eyes trained on Iraq and the Middle East, not spotting them and alerting the Iraqi govt.

Now, the USA and her allies are hell-bent on completely destroying Iraq.  There's no hope left for this country ... just like Libya.

Eli Lake writing at DailyBeast:
Exclusive: Inside Obama's Push for Regime Change in Iraq

For years, President Obama took a hands-off approach to Iraqi politics. But after ISIS took over Iraq’s second largest city in June, Obama began shopping for a new prime minister.
President Obama has been pushing for regime change for Iraq since late June, The Daily Beast has learned.

No, Obama has not proposed toppling Iraq’s government by force like his predecessor once did. But the president has instructed his diplomats in Washington and Baghdad to find an alternative to Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki. Since June those diplomats have quietly supported a member of Maliki’s own political party to be the next prime minister. On Sunday, the effort appeared to pay off, when a majority of Shi’ite politicians threw their weight behind Haidar al-Abadi, leading to Iraq’s president to instruct him to begin forming a new government.

“We have been working very quietly on the ground and sending messages to various parties that al-Abadi is a viable alternative,” one U.S. official told The Daily Beast.

The American push—which has not been previously reported—wasn’t the only factor that led to al-Abadi’s rise. Iraq’s deterioration in recent months led some of Maliki’s Shi'ite backers to pull their support of him. Last month, Grand Ayatollah Ali Sistani, the most senior cleric of the Shi'ite sect, wrote a letter to Maliki asking not to seek a third term as prime minister.

But al-Abadi has been the United States’ preferred candidate since late June to replace Maliki, a man who Obama himself blamed over the weekend for creating the conditions for the current catastrophe that is engulfing Iraq. U.S. and Iraqi officials tell The Daily Beast that U.S. Ambassador to Iraq Robert Beecroft and Brett McGurk, the deputy assistant secretary of state for Iraq and Iran, have pushed Iraqi politicians behinds the scenes to consider al-Abadi as a new Iraqi head of state.

In July, for example, Beecroft personally asked Ahmad Chalabi, a member of Iraq’s parliament who led Iraq’s U.S.-backed opposition to Saddam Hussein in the 1990s, to abandon his run for deputy speaker of Iraq’s parliament, according to Iraqi and U.S. officials. Other Iraqi Shi’ite political leaders also urged Chalabi to drop his challenge.

“While we believe it is up to the Iraqi people to choose their next leaders, we certainly believe that we have interests there…We think he will govern better for the Iraqi people and we will be able to work with him.”

On July 15, ..........

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