Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Is it too late to defeat the ISIS/ISIL/IS/xyz wahhabi terror caliphate?

It probably is far, far, too late.  While the USA and her allies focused on Iran and Syria as the enemy.... on Israel's say so, the Sunni jihadis made their move having been well-trained, well armed, well funded by the enemies of Iran and Syria. 
Well ... there comes a time when we have to pay for our folly. That time is already here. The statistics, if not logic, should tell you that in the Middle East as well as in any other country on planet Earth, the Sunnis outnumber the Shiites. Every inch the wahhabi terror army conquers will mean more Sunnis will join them until  their numbers swell to an undefeatable mass. 

Let's hope this menace never grows big enough or strong enough to reach North America.  However, all bets are off if the USA and Russia decide to bomb each other.  If that happens, it would give a golden opportunity for the jihadis already here in plenty, thanks to our governments' immigration policies, to make their own special moves.

Patrick Cockburn writing at Independent:
Fear brings the enemies of Isis together at last.  
But belated attempts to unite will be to no avail if the Sunni caliphate remains strong in Syria.

Fear of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (Isis, who now refer to themselves the Islamic State) is the new uniting factor for states in the Middle East and beyond who normally hate each other. The sudden emergence of Isis's still expanding caliphate, with its terrifying blend of brutality, bigotry and military effectiveness, provides a common enemy for the US, Iran, EU states, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and, in Iraq, Shia, Kurds and anti-Isis Sunni.
It was the capture of Mosul by Isis on 10 June which ended the eight-year rule of Nouri al-Maliki, who withdrew his candidacy for a third term as prime minister last Thursday. A diversity of Iraqi politicians and parties, intermittently supported by foreign powers, have been trying to get rid of him for years, but they failed because of their disunity and his control of the Iraqi state. It was Isis gunmen in their captured Humvees patrolling the roads an hour's drive from Baghdad that created the determination to finally get rid of Mr Maliki.

However deep the differences between Washington and Tehran, they were equally horrified by the prospect of Isis advancing on Baghdad and Erbil. Saudi Arabia has openly or covertly opposed Iran and Shia Islam since the overthrow of the Shah in 1979, but is seriously threatened by Isis, whose ideology is not much different from Saudi Wahhabism but challenges the legitimacy of the house of Saud. Last Friday in Mecca, the influential imam and preacher at the Grand Mosque, Sheikh Abdul-Rahman al-Sudais, called for a code of conduct to stop leaders, scholars and young people supporting violence and "terror". An implication of this is that Saudi Arabia will suppress pro-jihadi propaganda on the internet and satellite television which it has previously encouraged.....

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