Thursday, August 21, 2014

Iranian mutants marry in mutant-friendly nation on other side of the world

And, the freak show is captured by the freak of yellow journalism .... Mail  Online UK.
You know something?  In spite of moi having firm convictions that marriage should be between a man and a woman ... and that's it, no arguments,  I still admire the fact that mutants who tie the knot are very keen to show their love and commitment to each other unlike those heterosexual couples who flit from one lover to the next, next, next, etc,  and remain in long relationships without marriage even when they beget kids. 

Love against all the odds:Lesbian Muslim couple from Iran tie the knot in Stockholm... and the delighted imam is gay too!
Sahar Mosleh and Maryam Iranfar married in Swedish capital Stockholm
Both were forced to flee Iran where gay people are given the death penalty
The couple were married by Imam Ludovic Mohamed Zahed
Imam Zahed who is Algerian but lives in South Africa is also gay........

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