Thursday, August 7, 2014

I am loving this! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

You know the saying, something that goes like this:  "If you can't beat them, join them..."    
So, yup... I see things more clearly from the other side.  After studying the root cause of the migration of  Muslims and non-Muslims from Africa due to Muslim jihadis reign of terror (created mainly by Saudi Arabia and Qatar ... do your own research to find out how) and the upheaval in the Middle East (created solely by Israel and Saudi Arabia with the blessing of the USA .... again, do your own research to see how) .... the world is now awash with close to 55 M people whose status is considered to be either "displaced" or "refugee."

It won't hurt Canada to import 1.5 M of these people and give them a home in our bountiful nation by our 150th birthday, will it?

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.  The world is a lovely place when you see the trouble makers of this world falling into a steaming hot pile they had meant as traps for others. HAHAHAHAHAHA

So .... to conclude:  The people who are pro-Israel and anti-Muslim will be forced to welcome into Canada the very same people who have to be given shelter because of Israeli policies in the Middle East.  Some heads are gonna explode. HAHAHAHAHA

Canada got it right on immigration.  Now it’s time to lead on refugees; Let’s renew our leadership in refugee resettlement and kick-start Canada’s150th anniversary by giving a home to 1.5 million refugees 
Publisher: The Globe and Mail 
Story date: 08/07/2014
Language: English
The international refugee system needs a hand.

"Humanitarians can help as a palliative but political solutions are vitally needed," remarked Antonio Guterres, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, in recently releasing the UNHCR annual report.

It is a challenge that fits "no longer just to go along and get along," the Harper government's bumptious mantra for multilateral affairs. Useful lessons can be drawn from our experience and recent reforms to the Canadian migration and refugee system.

Not since the Second World War are so many displaced peoples – 51.2 million– sloshing within national borders and streaming across international frontiers...........

.....Our refugee determination system is more expeditious, with improved tracking and information sharing.

No system is perfect. A few jihadists holding, even burning, Canadian passports fuel headlines, but our risk-management system works. One in five Canadians is foreign-born. The visible diversity of our cities defines what the Aga Khan describes as our "robust pluralism." Mackenzie King's "none is too many" refugee policy has been exorcised, but as historian Irving Abella reminds us: "A nation cannot move forward without recognizing the darker parts of its past." With the courts to protect against the "cruel and unusual," we are finding our way......

....Let's renew our leadership in refugee resettlement.
Kick-start our 150th anniversary by giving a home to 1.5 million refugees. Make refugees our standing issue on the international circuit......

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