Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Eventually, this is what happens when Muslim extremists are trained, armed and funded by the USA and her allies ....

they turn on their masters and make mincemeat of their masters' Master Plan. 
I hate to see so many innocent people being killed and millions of others uprooted, displaced, made refugees and beggars .... but my pervasive alter ego is also capable of feeling satisfaction that the masters' Master Plan is in deep disarray. Or, is this exactly what the masters' master plan has been all along?  The events of the last several months are getting to be hard to decipher and although I am pretty good at solving cryptic crosswords, the reasoning behind these madmen-made events is tough to crack.  

If you want to keep track of what the folks of Iraq are going through while we languish in our safe habitats here in the West, Ezidi Press has been keeping a timeline updated regularly. 
And, below is part of  a comprehensive commentary on the events.

Matthew Barber writing at SyriaComment:
IS Routs Peshmerga, Takes Control of Sinjar Mountains, Jeopardizes Yazidi Homeland
Summary: IS scores major victory today, breaks Peshmerga forces, conquers strategic Kurdish area and displaces hundreds of thousands of Yazidi Kurds. The expulsion of Mosul’s Christians was devastating, but today’s expulsion of Yazidis is much bigger. This raises the question of whether the Kurds can hold out against IS in Iraq, as well as in Syria. It appears that IS’ next major front, in both countries, could be against the Kurds.

Cars fleeing Sinjar traffic-jammed as capacity of roads exceeded. Photo tweeted by Kurdish sources 

Beginning in the early hours of the morning, IS forces attacked the Sinjar Mountains. The Kurdish Peshmerga defended the area for two hours before being overcome and retreating.

The Kurdish loss of this strategic territory resulted in the flight of hundreds of thousands of Kurdish refugees.

Sinjar lies west of Mosul and Tel ‘Afar, both under IS control. Though a disputed territory not officially part of Kurdistan Province, and somewhat disconnected from Dohuk, the nearest Kurdish governorate, it has nonetheless been an island of Peshmerga control on the Syrian border. The Kurdish role in administering and protecting the area, as well as the claim that this disputed territory should belong to a future Kurdistan, stem from the Kurdish-speaking population of Sinjar. Located near the Kurdish part of Syria, Sinjar is also surrounded by areas inhabited by Arab tribes that have often been in competition with Kurds. Some of these tribes worked with al-Qaida during the War in Iraq, and yesterday they aided IS in preparing for today’s takeover of Sinjar.........

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